NPD Final Business Case Ayrshire College

The request was partially successful.

Hannah Kirkpatrick

Dear Scottish Futures Trust Limited,

Per the Freedom of information (Scotland) Act. 2002 please supply me with the following information:

The Business Case (Final) in connection to the full financial projections made at the time of the contract signing for costs relating to the procurement of the new NPD Campus Build for Ayrshire College.

Please also provide the financial model used (the way debts, interest and repayments are structured?

Please provide the procurement exercise used also?

Please provide any and all recorded information that the decision to procure the new build by the NPD revenue funded model provided best value to the public purse?

Please supply this information in electronic format, and I shall look forward to disclosure with the specified timescale.

Yours faithfully,

Hannah Kirkpatrick

Andrea Mason, Scottish Futures Trust Limited

Dear Ms Kirkpatrick,


We hereby acknowledge your request for information below dated 7th
November 2017 and are currently reviewing this with the intention of
responding or requesting further information, if necessary, within 20
working days, being 5th December 2017.


Kind Regards





Andrea Mason

Administrator - Hub, Housing, Ops PPP &  Innovative Finance

Scottish Futures Trust

Mark Easton, Scottish Futures Trust Limited

5 Attachments

Please find attached our response to your request under the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002 received on 7 November 2017.






Mark Easton
Commercial Manager
[mobile number]
Direct: 0131 510 0856
Main: 0131 510 0800
Address: 11-15 Thistle Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1DF


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