NowMedical Homelessness Assessments - Standard Terms & Conditions
Dear South Cambridgeshire District Council,
In response to FOI request RFI 13613 (, the Council confirmed that they commission NowMedical for homelessness assessments on an "ad-hoc, case by case basis".
Please provide the following further information and/or clarification about the council's relationship with NowMedical:
- A copy of NowMedical's standard terms and conditions which are used by South Cambridgeshire District Council when instructing NowMedical on homelessness vulnerability assessments
- Alternatively, if the Council has a seperate contract/ agreement with NowMedical, please confirm and provide a copy of that seperate contract/ agreement.
Yours faithfully,
Philip Armitage
Dear Philip Armitage
Thank you for your communication about Freedom of Information request -
NowMedical Homelessness Assessments - Standard Terms & Conditions which we
received on 09/01/2024. We appreciate you taking the time to get in touch
with us.
The reference number for your case is FOI/865.
We will have a look at the issues which you have brought to our attention
and get back to you in the next three days as to our next steps.
Until then, if you have any further questions or concerns, please feel
free to get in contact with us by replying to this email leaving the
subject line unchanged
Dear Philip Armitage
Request FOI/865
Further to your request received on 09/01/2024, I confirm that the Council
has now considered your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please provide the following further information and/or clarification
about the councils relationship with NowMedical:
- A copy of NowMedicals standard terms and conditions which are used by
South Cambridgeshire District Council when instructing NowMedical on
homelessness vulnerability assessments
- Alternatively, if the Council has a seperate contract/ agreement with
NowMedical, please confirm and provide a copy of that seperate contract/
I hope the following will answer your query:
Thank you for your further requests for information in relation to your
previous request – our ref 13613 (SCDC) copy attached
- A copy of NowMedicals standard terms and conditions which are used by
South Cambridgeshire District Council when instructing NowMedical on
homelessness vulnerability assessments
As stated in response to your question 2 of your request of 11^th August
2. Does South Cambridgeshire District Council have a separate contract
with NowMedical or are assessments
commissioned on a case-to-case basis with NowMedical’s standard terms?
This service is commissioned on an ad-hoc, case-by-case basis
The terms and conditions, including costs, are available via the company
website. [1]nowmedical - About Us
- Alternatively, if the Council has a seperate contract/ agreement with
NowMedical, please confirm and provide a copy of that seperate contract/
Please see response above, the council does not have a separate contract
or agreement with NowMedical
We aim to provide a high quality service to you and hope that you are
satisfied with this response. If you have any further questions please do
not hesitate to contact us.
Yours Sincerely
Information Management Team
3C Shared Services
For South Cambridgeshire DC - [email address]
For Cambridge City Council -[email address]
For Huntingdonshire DC - [email address]
3C Shared Services is a strategic partnership between Cambridge City
Council, Huntingdonshire District Council and South Cambridgeshire
District Council
Appeals Process
The Council is committed to transparency and openness, and it is our
intention to comply fully with the laws that govern access to information.
If you have any cause to believe that the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 are not being met by us, please let us know in the
first instance. If you are still dissatisfied you can address your
complaint to the Information Governance Manager, who will undertake an
Internal Review of your case. Further to this you have the subsequent
option to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Provision of this information does not automatically infer the right to
copy publish or alter the information. In most cases the Council will own
the copyright of the information provided here, or the information will be
provided under the Open Government Licence (OGL), but the rights to some
information may belong to a third party and if so a re- use licence may be
required. Please contact us for advice.
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