Requests similar to 'Northumbria AFC Staff Travel Expenditure'

Dear Miss Stokes Further to our email of Friday 13th January, our service area has produced the attached zipped folder containing embedded documents e...
[1]University_Hospitals_Plymouth_NHS_Trust_RGB_Right-Aligned_blue                 [2][University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust request...
Mr Coton   Please find attached a response to your correspondence of 30 October.   Attached is the letter (response) and the following document...
Employee handbooks
Response by National Highways Limited to Tim Peffers on .


Dear Mr Peffers   I am writing to confirm that we have now completed our search for the information, which you requested on 18 June 2021.  A copy...
Dear Mr Lucas   Please find attached our response to your recent request.   Yours sincerely     Suzanne Butterfield Management Informat...
Aircraft Emissions
Response by Department for Transport to Dr Bruce Vickery on .


Dear Dr Vickery I refer to your request for information about aircraft emissions. Your request was received on 4 April 2009 and, since it relates...
Staff handbook
Response by Environment Agency to Robert Cavendish on .


Dear Robert   RE: Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) / Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)  ...
Queen's Regulations for the RAF
Response by Ministry of Defence to Laura Owens on .


Dear Ms Owens   Please find attached a response, plus the first set of attachments referred to in the response, regarding your recent FOI request...
JSP 800 Vol 5
Response by Ministry of Defence to Nick Taylor on .


Dear Mr Taylor, Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry. Regards Joint Forces Command Secretariat Joint Forces Command Northwoo...
  Dear Mr C Rock   Thank you for your request for information.   We have considered your request and can provide the following information i...
Travel costs
Response by Ministry of Defence to Brian Farnet on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Farnet, Please see the attached regarding your recent request about MOD travel cost. FOI Team MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Level 3, Zone M Mai...
Data of how direct payments are being used by users
Response by Monmouthshire County Council to Dean on .

Partially successful

Hi Dean, I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You asked: I have read your response and considered your difficulties. T...
New Bus For London contracts
Response by Transport for London to andrew hardy on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Hardy   Our Ref:         FOI-0644-1314   Thank you for your e-mail received on 9 July 2013 asking for information about New Bus for Lo...
Rail Network Enhancement
Response by Department for Transport to Paul Thornton on .

Partially successful

Dear Dr Thornton,   Further to emails 1 and 2 please find above some of the papers for the Midland Main Line project in reference to your refined...
Dear Susie Mulholland,   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST REFERENCE – 0486/1516   Thank you for your email that we receiv...
Dear Mr/s Winfield Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, received on 8 February 2021. Please find attache...
Dear Ben Youriev, Please see attached the response to your request for an Environmental Information Regulation request. Reference - [EIR-22934]. K...
Dear Ms Lynch, Thank you for your correspondence received on 14th June requesting information from our Trust. Having looked at your request we are se...
Dear Mr Chaplin   Please find attached Hampshire County Council’s response to your information request.   Yours sincerely Amanda Godridge...
HR policies and procedures
Response by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service to Tom Mann on .


Dear Mr Mann   Please find attached our policies and procedures as per your request under Freedom of Information.   I would be grateful if you...
Dear Yvette   Re: Freedom of Information Request ref: FOI_1101916   We have considered your request under the terms of the Freedom of Informat...
Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your request for information. Please find our response to your request on the accompanying document(s). I trust that...
Dear Sir/Madam Please find herewith attached a reply to your Freedom of Information request. Please also find herewith attached a Satisfaction Surve...
Dear Lucca Ewbank, Please see attached the response to your request for an Environmental Information Regulation request. Reference - [EIR-22890-DM]....
Procurement framework
Response by University St Mark and St John, Plymouth to James Frondella on .


Dear Mr Frondella In response to your Freedom of Information request, I can confirm that the answers to your queries are as follows: 1 Your procurem...