North Yorkshire Government Reorganisation

The request was successful.

Dear North Yorkshire Council,
In respect of the recent North Yorkshire government reorganisation I would be grateful for the following information:
What cash balances were carried forward to NYC from each District Council?
What reserves were carried forward to NYC from each District Council?
Yours faithfully,
Chris Parkin (Mr.), North Yorkshire Council

Thank you for contacting North Yorkshire Council (NYC). We confirm that we have received your correspondence.

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If you have requested an internal review of an FOI or EIR response sent to you by NYC or otherwise expressed dissatisfaction about an FOI or EIR response – we will respond to you as soon as possible and within 20 working days, in accordance with best practice guidance.

If you have raised a data protection concern about the way in which NYC has handled your personal information – we will respond to you as soon as possible and within 20 working days, in accordance with legal requirements/best practice guidance.

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If your correspondence relates to an existing case - we will forward it to the relevant officer for consideration and action as required.

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For any other enquiry – NYC will contact you shortly.

If your enquiry is urgent and you request an immediate response please call the Information Governance Team on 01609 532526.

Yours faithfully

The Information Governance Team.
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Infogov - Veritau, North Yorkshire Council

Thank you for contacting the Information Governance Team at North
Yorkshire Council (NYC).

If you have submitted a Freedom of Information request then please accept
this email as receipt. We will respond to you within the 20 Working Days
as defined by the Freedom of Information Act.

If you have submitted a request under Environmental Information
Regulations then please accept this email as receipt. We will respond to
you within the 20 Working Days as defined by the regulations.

If you have submitted a request for personal information then please
accept this email as receipt - however we will write to you separately to
acknowledge your request or if we need further information from you. The
one calendar month stated in UK GDPR will not begin until we have verified
your request. Your request will be processed in accordance with Article 15
of the General Data Protection Regulation which is known as a ‘Subject
Access Request’.

For all other new or existing enquiries we will endure to respond to you
as soon as possible.

Finance Enquiries, North Yorkshire Council

2 Attachments



Following your request please see the information below;


What cash balances were carried forward to NYC from each District Council?


Information relating to the cash balances are available in the Treasury
Management Outturn report in the following link:


[1](Public Pack)Agenda Document for Executive, 30/05/2023 11:00


The cash is referred to as Investments held as at 31/03/2023.


What reserves were carried forward to NYC from each District Council?


At present the legacy councils are producing their annual Statement of
Accounts for 2022/23. As they become available they are published and
available using the following link:


[2]Financial information | North Yorkshire Council


Information on the Reserves held by each council as at 31/03/2023 are
available in each set of accounts. Please note that until all the legacy
councils’ accounts are audited then the final reserve balance may change.


If you feel unhappy with the way in which this request for information has
been handled then please find attached the NYC Information Governance
Appeals document.


Kind regards,


Sam Thompson

On behalf of the Finance Enquiries Service



From: "Chris Parkin" <[3][FOI #989728 email]>

Sent: 12 June 2023 14:49
To: "Infogov - Veritau" <[4][email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - North Yorkshire Government
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links
or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content
is safe.

Dear North Yorkshire Council,
In respect of the recent North Yorkshire government reorganisation I would
be grateful for the following information:
What cash balances were carried forward to NYC from each District Council?
What reserves were carried forward to NYC from each District Council?
Yours faithfully,
Chris Parkin (Mr.)

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