Requests similar to 'Non-domestic rates assessments'

Dear Ms Davis, With reference to your recent request for information, I attach our response. Rick Zaple Technical Accountancy / Cyfrifeg Dechneg...
Details of Empty Commercial Properties
Response by Cardiff Council to Natalie Davis on .


With reference to your recent request for information, I attach our response. Rick Zaple Technical Accountancy / Cyfrifeg Dechnegol Phone / Ffôn...
Emtpy Property's list
Response by Cardiff Council to Tom Ware on .


Dear Mr Ware Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request - FOI08397. If you have any queries or concerns, are in any way...
Non-domestic rates assessment
Response by Cardiff Council to Greg Lamerton on .


    Please find attached, a response to your FOI request.       Improvement & Information Team Gwella a Gwybodaeth Room 356, County Hal...
Empty properties list
Response by Cardiff Council to Hannah Waldram on .


Your Ref: RFI 1251 Dear Hannah, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST * I would like the data for empty properties which are counci...
Business information request
Response by Cardiff Council to Robert Groom on .

Awaiting internal review

Dear Mr Groom Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request - FOI08334. If you have any queries or concerns, are in any way...
List of Roads
Response by Cardiff Council to James Carter on .


Dear Mr Carter Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request - FOI06630. If you have any queries or concerns, are in any wa...
Dear Ms Davis, With reference to your recent request for information, I attach our response. Rick Zaple Technical Accountancy / Cyfrifeg Dechneg...
Dear Mr Mottershead Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request - FOI08617. If you have any queries or concerns, are in a...
Section 106 Agreements, offers and payments
Response by Cardiff Council to Peter Cox on .


 Our Ref: SPE 0651 Dear Mr Cox RE: Section 106 Agreements Thank you for your request for information concerning the above received...
Planning consent
Response by Cardiff Council to Roger Phillips on .


Your Ref SPE 813/FOI 00088/JS/LAD Dear Mr Phillips RE: Environmental Information Regulations – Information Request. Thank you for your requ...
Damage caused by potholes
Response by Cardiff Council to Ed Walker on .


Dear Mr Walker, With reference to your recent request for information, I attach our response. Rick Zaple Technical Accountancy / Cyfrifeg Dechne...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Response by Hart District Council to Clare White on .


Dear Clare Please find attached the spreadsheet containing the information you requested and I apologise for the delay in responding Liz Marshall Hea...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Response by Oadby and Wigston Borough Council to Clare White on .


Anne Court is now the Director of Services and Monitoring Officer for the Council and can be contacted on [email address]; telephone number 0116 257260...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Response by Southend-on-Sea City Council to Clare White on .


Dear Clare White, Thank you for your e-mail received on 12th October, 2011 concerning Freedom of Information request. Your enquiry has been passed...
New Hereditaments
Request sent to Colchester Borough Council by Clare White on .


Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000 Rateable Value detailing the company name...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Request sent to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council by Clare White on .

Partially successful

Dear Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Request sent to Allerdale Borough Council by Clare White on .

Information not held

Dear Allerdale District Council, Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000 Rateabl...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Request sent to Lewes District Council by Clare White on .


Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000 Rateable Value detailing the company name...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Request sent to Hyndburn Borough Council by Clare White on .

Long overdue

Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000 Rateable Value detailing the company name,...
Dear West Lancashire District Council, Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000 Ra...
Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000 Rateable Value detailing the company name,...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Request sent to Blackpool Borough Council by Clare White on .


Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000 Rateable Value detailing the company name,...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Request sent to Broxtowe Borough Council by Clare White on .


Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000 Rateable Value detailing the company name,...
Non-domestic rates assessments
Request sent to Newcastle upon Tyne City Council by Clare White on .


Please can you provide a list of non-domestic rates assessments in your authority area in excess of £30,000 Rateable Value detailing the company name,...