Non domestic rates
Dear Newark and Sherwood District Council,
Hello, following the response to my previouse request (Request for information: RFI-2020-0321), I'd like to make a new request under the Freedom of Information act, for:
• Property Reference Number (also known as Billing Authority Reference Number) of the property
on which the charge is made. Please note that this is not the Rate Demand or Rate Account
• Current rateable value
• Account holder name
• Property address
• We do not require any personal information or sole traders.
Yours faithfully,
Richard roberts
Dear Sir/Madam,
Your request for information was received by us on 17/Apr/2020. Our
initial assessment of your request is that the information in question, if
it is held by the council, may fall within the scope of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. A further assessment will be made once we have
located any relevant information held by the council.
Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we will
normally respond to your request promptly, but in any case within 20
working days following the date that we received it. This means that you
will normally receive a response from the Council on or before
18/May/2020. Although we will endeavour to meet this deadline the Council
is refocusing resources on responding to the current Covid-19 pandemic and
achieving this timescale may not always be possible.
For your information, the Act defines a number of exemptions, which may
prevent release of some or all of the information you have requested.
There will be an assessment of the information available and if any of the
exemption categories apply the information may not be released. In the
case of a qualified exemption the Public Interest Test will be considered.
You will be informed if any of the information held is subject to any
exemption and if so reason the exemption has been applied and of your
rights of appeal.
If the information you request contains reference to a third party they
may be consulted prior to a decision being taken on whether or not to
release the information to you. You will be informed if this is the case.
If you have asked for any information to be provided in a specific format
we will do our best to do so. However if it is not practicable or it is
unreasonable to do so, any information will be provided in Adobe Acrobat
Should you require the information to be provided other than by email a
fee may be payable in respect of disbursements, you will be informed if
this is the case. In this event the fee must be paid before the
information is processed and released. The 20 working day time limit for
responses is suspended until receipt of the payment.
For a comprehensive guide to your rights under the Freedom of Information
Act and how we will handle your request, you may like to visit our Access
to Information web pages at
The personal information you have provided to us will only be used to
process your request and the information will be treated in accordance
with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR.
If you have any queries or concerns about your request please do not
hesitate to contact me, quoting the reference number given in the subject
line of this email.
Yours sincerely,
Information Governance Team
Newark and Sherwood District Council
Tel: 01636 655216/7
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
Dear Sir/Madam,
Your request for information received by us on 17/Apr/2020 has now been
considered and the council's response attached hereto.
If you have any queries or concerns about your request, or any
difficulties with any attachments please do not hesitate to contact me,
quoting the reference number shown in the subject line of this email.
Yours sincerely,
Information Governance Team
Newark and Sherwood District Council
Tel: 01636 655216/7
Visible links
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