Non-academic staff experience during pandemic
Dear Hertford College, Oxford,
I am writing to you today with a Freedom of Information Request regarding the experience of non-academic staff working in college since the March 2020 lockdown.
The information I request is:
How many non-academic members of staff have been furloughed since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic?
How many non-academic members of staff are currently furloughed?
What provisions have been taken by the college to protect the health and safety of non-academic members of staff during the Covid-19 pandemic?
How many non-academic members of staff have contracted Covid-19 since the beginning of 2020?
Yours faithfully,
Gwendy Davenport
Dear Gwendy,
In response to your recent request I am able to answer as follows:
Q) How many non-academic members of staff have been furloughed since the
beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic?
A) Between 8 and 103 staff, at varying times.
Q) How many non-academic members of staff are currently furloughed?
A) 82
Q) What provisions have been taken by the college to protect the health
and safety of non-academic members of staff during the Covid-19 pandemic?
* Hertford College operates according to Covid Secure standards.
* Covid-19 protocols implemented specifically per services area/ job
requirements i.e. maintenance, catering, housekeeping etc.
* Working from Home policy for those that can work from home, including
Workstation assessments and supply of equipment/furniture.
* Parking provided to reduce use of public transport.
* Lone working protocols.
* Staff bubbles for those on site i.e. kitchens.
* Access to the University’s Early Alert Services for testing.
* Lateral Flow testing weekly for staff working on site
* Thermal temperature reading stations
* Hand sanitizing stations
* Perspex screens
* One way systems
* Floor markings
* Outdoor / marquee catering facility with online ordering system and
take-away service.
* PPE including: Face visors, Face masks, Gloves, Aprons, etc
* Increased cleaning regime across College.
* Students clean their own rooms, staff do not enter occupied rooms.
* If we believe a room or area is contaminated, the room will either be
closed off for 3 or more days, after which it will be fully sanitized
using a spray system. If the area/room cannot be closed off, a full
sanitizing protocol will be initiated (full body suit, extra PPE, air
spray system).
Q) How many non-academic members of staff have contracted Covid-19 since
the beginning of 2020?
A) 2, both during periods when they were not working on college premises
With kind regards
Jamie Clark
Bursar and Fellow
Hertford College, Catte Street
Oxford, OX1 3BW
T: +44 (0)1865 279414
M: +44 (0)7973 994499
E: [1][email address]
PA: Linda Cassettari
[2][email address]
01865 289141
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