Non-academic staff experience during pandemic
Dear Corpus Christi College, Oxford,
I am writing to you today with a Freedom of Information Request regarding the experience of non-academic staff working in college since the March 2020 lockdown.
The information I request is:
How many non-academic members of staff have been furloughed since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic?
How many non-academic members of staff are currently furloughed?
What provisions have been taken by the college to protect the health and safety of non-academic members of staff during the Covid-19 pandemic?
How many non-academic members of staff have contracted Covid-19 since the beginning of 2020?
Yours faithfully,
Gwendy Davenport
Dear Gwendy
Details below as requested:
How many non-academic members of staff have been furloughed since the
beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Up to 75
How many non-academic members of staff are currently furloughed?
13 Fully furloughed - 45 on flexi furlough. All furloughed staff on 100%
contractual pay
What provisions have been taken by the college to protect the health and
safety of non-academic members of staff during the Covid-19 pandemic?
As many staff working from home as possible
Staggered arrival times
Restricted access to locker rooms
Temperature check on arrival
Reduced staffing to minimise people on site (split into 2
teams - hence flexi furlough - no mixing of teams)
Rigidly planned breaks so as not to mix staff
Provision of Masks, gloves etc to all - Includes face
shields where needed
Scouts not to enter student rooms/bathrooms or kitchens.
Increased cleaning of "touch points" and communal toilets
Cleaning procedures put in place to minimise risks where
Perspex sheeting between desks / servery stations etc
College policy for masks to be worn in all buildings.
No external visitors permitted in College
Staff / students to empty own bins to corridors
Reduced catering provision to minimise staff time on site
Catering to be take away only
Maintenance staff not to share tools
Prescriptive cleaning to College vehicles - only one
person in a vehicle at any given time
Hand sanitiser on every desk along with anti viral wipes
Minimise "hot Desking" - cleaning protocol on shift
Shielding staff automatically furloughed
Strict rules about not being at work while being tested or
having been a close contact
One way system around College
Passing people protocol in place
Internal track and trace system to isolate any close
contacts of a staff case - actual or potential
How many non-academic members of staff have contracted Covid-19 since the
beginning of 2020?
Numbers are so small that to give them risks identifying those staff
members and thus breach of medical confidentiality. Of those that have had
Covid every case has been traced to a non-work place encounter.
Academic Registrar
Tel: 01865 276737
Merton Street, Oxford, OX1 4JF
Registered Charity no. 1143714
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