Non-academic staff experience during pandemic
Dear Brasenose College, Oxford,
I am writing to you today with a Freedom of Information Request regarding the experience of non-academic staff working in college since the March 2020 lockdown.
The information I request is:
How many non-academic members of staff have been furloughed since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic?
How many non-academic members of staff are currently furloughed?
What provisions have been taken by the college to protect the health and safety of non-academic members of staff during the Covid-19 pandemic?
How many non-academic members of staff have contracted Covid-19 since the beginning of 2020?
Yours faithfully,
Gwendy Davenport
Dear Ms Davenport
Please find attached our reply to your FOI below.
Kind regards
Philip Parker
Brasenose College | Radcliffe Square | Oxford OX1 4AJ
Telephone: 01865 277830 (Lodge)
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