All Souls College
Oxford OX1 4AL
Tel. +44 (0)1865 279379 Fax. +44 (0)1865 279299
08 February 2021
Reply to request for information under the Freedom of Information Act
Your ref
Email dated 28 January 2021 from Gwendy Davenport
How many non-academic members of staff have been furloughed since the beginning
of the Covid-19 pandemic?
How many non-academic members of staff are currently furloughed?
What provisions have been taken by the college to protect the health and safety of
non-academic members of staff during the Covid-19 pandemic?
How many non-academic members of staff have contracted Covid-19 since the
beginning of 2020?
Dear Ms Davenport,
I write in reply to your email requesting the above information.
The College response to the request is as follows:
Q: How many non-academic members of staff have been furloughed since the beginning of the
Covid-19 pandemic?
A: 51 staff were initially furloughed at the start of the first lockdown.
Q: How many non-academic members of staff are currently furloughed?
A: 3 - Special Paid Leave.
Q: What provisions have been taken by the College to protect the health and safety of non-
academic members of staff during the Covid-19 pandemic?
A: Provisions to protect the health & safety of non-academic members of staff during the COVID-
19 pandemic include:
a. Personal employee risk assessments completed to identify vulnerable employees.
b. Vulnerable staff shielded at home under furlough arrangements.
c. Departmental formulisation and adoption of Safe Working Protocols.
d. Staff work from home if able to do so.
e. Staff UNABLE to work from home, work in small bubbles and attend on staggered days with
minimal hours, to maintain a College COVID -19 operationally secure environment.
Additional on-site car parking made available and FFP2 Masks made available if public
transport used.
g. Flexible start and finish time to prevent travelling at peak times.
h. Adherence to Government guidelines for COVID-19 reporting and self-isolation rules.
Access to the University COVID-19 Test and Trace booking system.
Social distancing measure implemented, hand sanitising stations provided, barrier screens
installed, provision of face masks, face shields, (and additional PPE when required).
k. Right of Way movement control system within College and COVID-19 prevention signage
Self-cleaning of occupied accommodation implemented.
m. Enhanced cleaning of shared spaces and extra laundry handling protocols implemented.
n. Introduction of takeaway mealtime slots to stagger arrival times.
o. College closed to Visitors.
p. Departmental team meetings held online to discuss COVID-19 issues and procedures.
q. Welfare Employee Assistance provision and University wellbeing resources provided.
r. Special paid leave granted to clinically vulnerable or furloughed.
Q: How many non-academic members of staff have contracted Covid-19 since the beginning of
A: Over the course of last year, three members have separately contracted COVID-19 within their
own domestic environments, with no infections being attributed to the College.
You may request an internal review of this response by e-mailin
g xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx.xx. A
request for internal review should be submitted no later than 40 working days from the date of
this letter.
If, after the internal review, you are still dissatisfied, you have the right under FOIA to apply to
the Information Commissioner for a decision as to whether your request has been dealt with in
accordance with the FOIA. You can do this online using the
Information Commissioner’s
complaints portal.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Rima Dapous
Domestic Bursar and Fellow