Nomination papers for May 2022 parish council elections
Dear North Yorkshire Council,
Please provide copies, in e-format or via URL on the NYC or former HDC website(s), of the Nomination papers for the May 2022 elections (and any subsequent by-elections) for Potto Parish Council. Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Adam Taylor
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Yours faithfully
The Information Governance Team.
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With Kind Regards,
Information Governance Team
North Yorkshire County Council
Dear North Yorkshire Council,
Can you please respond to my request and provide copies of the nomination papers for members of Potto council in the May 2022 (last years) elections. Thanks
Yours faithfully,
Adam Taylor
Thank you for contacting the Information Governance Team at North
Yorkshire Council (NYC).
If you have submitted a Freedom of Information request then please accept
this email as receipt. We will respond to you within the 20 Working Days
as defined by the Freedom of Information Act.
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Regulations then please accept this email as receipt. We will respond to
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If you have submitted a request for personal information then please
accept this email as receipt - however we will write to you separately to
acknowledge your request or if we need further information from you. The
one calendar month stated in UK GDPR will not begin until we have verified
your request. Your request will be processed in accordance with Article 15
of the General Data Protection Regulation which is known as a ‘Subject
Access Request’.
For all other new or existing enquiries we will endure to respond to you
as soon as possible.
Thank you for contacting North Yorkshire Council (NYC). We confirm that we have received your correspondence.
If you have submitted a new Freedom of Information (FOI) or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) request to NYCC - we will contact you as soon as possible if we need any more information from you to respond to your request. If we do not need any more information we will pass your request onto the appropriate officer to respond. A response will be sent to you as soon as possible, and within 20 working days as required by the relevant legislation.
If you have requested an internal review of an FOI or EIR response sent to you by NYC or otherwise expressed dissatisfaction about an FOI or EIR response – we will respond to you as soon as possible and within 20 working days, in accordance with best practice guidance.
If you have raised a data protection concern about the way in which NYC has handled your personal information – we will respond to you as soon as possible and within 20 working days, in accordance with legal requirements/best practice guidance.
If you have asked to be removed from a mailing list – we will forward your request onto the relevant department for action.
If your correspondence relates to an existing case - we will forward it to the relevant officer for consideration and action as required.
Copied correspondence - we do not respond to correspondence that has been copied to us.
For any other enquiry – NYC will contact you shortly.
If your enquiry is urgent and you request an immediate response please call the Information Governance Team on 01609 532526.
Yours faithfully
The Information Governance Team.
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For information about how we process data, please see our Privacy Notice at
Dear Adam Taylor
Thank you for your email. I can confirm that your request, reference
202300290 is currently with the service area who are formulating the
We apologise for the delay in meeting the deadline. This delay is due to
the impact of the formation of the new Council.
Kind regards,
Danielle Kilvington
Information Access Officer
From: "adam taylor" <[FOI #973067 email]>
Sent: 19 May 2023 16:44
To: "Infogov - Veritau" <[email address]>
Subject: Internal review of Freedom of Information request - Nomination
papers for May 2022 parish council elections
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links
or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content
is safe.
Dear North Yorkshire Council,
Can you please respond to my request and provide copies of the nomination
papers for members of Potto council in the May 2022 (last years)
elections. Thanks
Yours faithfully,
Adam Taylor
Hello Adam
Thank you for your email.
Nomination papers at local government elections are only available for
public inspection from close of nominations (5 April 2022) up to and
including the day before polling day (4 May 2022).
Potto Parish Council have had no by-elections after the May 2022 scheduled
If you are unhappy with the way in which we have handled your request,
please see the attached document regarding the appeals process
Kind regards
Emma Calvert
Electoral Services Manager
North Yorkshire Council
Electoral Services
Civic Centre, Stone Cross
Rotary Way, Northallerton DL6 2UU
Telephone: 01609 767227
Email: [1][email address]
Web: [2]
From: "adam taylor" <[3][FOI #973067 email]>
Sent: 18 April 2023 18:21
To: "Infogov - Veritau" <[4][email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Nomination papers for May 2022
parish council elections
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links
or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content
is safe.
Dear North Yorkshire Council,
Please provide copies, in e-format or via URL on the NYC or former HDC
website(s), of the Nomination papers for the May 2022 elections (and any
subsequent by-elections) for Potto Parish Council. Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Adam Taylor
Dear Emma Calvert,
Thank you for your response.
However, I am making a FOI request, not an electoral services type request.
The FOIA requires you to (ref S1(1)(a) confirm whether or not you hold this information. Your response does not confirm this detail, but it suggests that you do.
S1(1)(b) requires you to communicate this information to me (unless you cite an exemption - and there isn't a valid one). You have not done so - this is very disappointing.
Furthermore S10(1) requires that you respond promptly and in any case within 20 working days - I have been waiting since 18 April.
I don't want to go to the bother and generate an inordinate volume of correspondence, with delays and reviews and appeals etc. This is an easy and simple request for you to complete.
Please simply send me copies of these Nomination papers - thanks very much
Yours sincerely,
Adam Taylor
Dear Adam Taylor
Thank you for your email. I can confirm that North Yorkshire Council does not hold the information to your request, reference 202300290.
We apologise for the delay in meeting the deadline. This delay is due to the impact of Local Government Reorganisation (+IBg-LGR+IBk-) in the County of North Yorkshire, the county, borough and district councils ceased to exist after 31 March 2023. (Selby/Harrogate/Richmond/Hambleton/North Yorkshire County Council/Craven/Scarborough/Ryedale). The former authorities have been replaced by a new single council, North Yorkshire Council, with City of York Council remaining as it is.
Kind regards
Emma Calvert
Electoral Services Manager
North Yorkshire Council
Electoral Services
Civic Centre, Stone Cross
Rotary Way, Northallerton DL6 2UU
Telephone: 0300 131 2 131
Dear Emma Calvert,
Thanks for your response - but I am astonished. My grasp of the law is these legal based Nomination Papers had to be retained, as per your document retention policy, for a period of at least 6 years - which about until 2028.
Can you please review your response and check your retention policy and records a bit more carefully?
Yours sincerely,
Adam Taylor
Dear Adam Taylor,
Thank you for submitting a request for internal review of North Yorkshire
Council's response dated 09/06/2023 to your information request dated
We acknowledge receipt of your request and it is being processed. In line
with statutory requirements we aim to respond within twenty working days.
Please ensure you use the reference 202300290 in any further
correspondence regarding the request.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards
Information Governance Team
North Yorkshire Council
Dear Adam Taylor,
Please find attached letter for your attention.
Please ensure you use the reference 202300290 in any further
correspondence regarding the request.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards
The Information Governance Team
North Yorkshire Council
From: "[email address]" <[email address]>
Sent: 20 June 2023 12:56
To: "[FOI #973067 email]"
<[FOI #973067 email]>
Subject: Case ID - 202300290 [REF/JX/zY/Wl/og/]
Dear Adam Taylor,
Thank you for submitting a request for internal review of North Yorkshire
Council's response dated 09/06/2023 to your information request dated
We acknowledge receipt of your request and it is being processed. In line
with statutory requirements we aim to respond within twenty working days.
Please ensure you use the reference 202300290 in any further
correspondence regarding the request.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards
Information Governance Team
North Yorkshire Council
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