NNDR Accounts

The request was successful.

Dear South Ayrshire Council,
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information

I am looking to obtain a report, in excel format, of any business rates accounts, closed or open, in the name of Henkel Limited or in the names of their subsidiary companies, for the period 1 April 2005 to present: -

Acheson Industries
Darex UK Limited
Jeyes Group Limited
Henkel UK Operations Limited
National Adhesives Holding Ltd
Schwarzkopf Limited
Akzo Nobel
Shiseido Group.

The report should include the following: -

1. Account Name
2. Address of the Property
3. BA Reference Number
4. Liability Start Date
5. Liability End Date (if a closed account)
6. If a credit is showing on the account:-
a) Amount of credit
b) Account Number the credit relates to
c) Period the credit relates to
d) Reason for the credit.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Many thanks for your assistance in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

C Pleasants

FOI,, South Ayrshire Council

1 Attachment

Kind regards.


FOI Team|Information Governance|Chief Executive’s Office|
[1][email address] | Tel: 01292 612223|South Ayrshire
Council|County Buildings|Wellington Square, Ayr, KA7


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FOI,, South Ayrshire Council

1 Attachment

Dear sir/madam


Please find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information
request to South Ayrshire Council, which was given the above reference


Kind Regards


FOI Team | Chief Executive’s Office | [1][South Ayrshire Council request email] | 01292
612223 | County Buildings | Wellington Square | AYR | KA7 1DR |
[2]www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk |




From: FOI,
Sent: 19 June 2019 11:59
To: '[FOI #583701 email]'
Subject: FOI 9554


Kind regards.


FOI Team|Information Governance|Chief Executive’s Office|
[3][email address] | Tel: 01292 612223|South Ayrshire
Council|County Buildings|Wellington Square, Ayr, KA7


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