NIPSO "Own Initiative"

The request was successful.

Dear Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman,

1. How many years has the "Own Initiative" dept been in existence?

2. How has this Initiative ensured fair respresentation of the learning disabled within its investigations?

3. How much investigation has been done for learning disabled servcies within its existence?

4. After the scandal of the Missing Millions WHSCT , which came to light in 2015, what, if anything , has NIPSO done to
a) Investiagte this scandal as systemic and gigantic maladministration
b) provide the public with answers about this scandal
c) ensure accountaility within the Western Trust specifcilaly pertaining to this scandal as NIPSO´s role is a public services regulator/ overseer of poor conduct/malpractice/maladministration.
d) ensure this never happens again.

5. If Nipso, as it appears , has done nothing to date, what will it do from now on, and when will it start to do something meaningful on behalf of the most vulnerable in the western Trust region.

Joan Corrigan

Dear Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman,
Please acknowledge receipt of the foi.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Corrigan

NIPSO Legal Services, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman

Dear Ms Corrigan

Re: IR20210028 – FOI Request re Own Initiative Department

Thank you for your recent request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Your email has been forwarded to Legal Services and we will respond to this request in due course.


Legal Services

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NIPSO Legal Services, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Corrigan


Re Information request ref: IR20210028


Please find attached the response to your information request.


Yours sincerely



Gregory Smyth

Legal Officer

Dear NIPSO Legal Services,

I have finally had time to look at your answer in detail and feel that it is unnecessarily confusing and evasive and I request an internal review. Someone who is a regular member of the public/ who is not a lawyer / who does not work in the corporate world could not be expected to understand the answer you have provided.

NIPSO have a duty of candour also.

All answers skirt around clear questions I made and use obfuscating language.

I HAVE gone to NIPSO with a complaint around the most robust form of maladministration one could ever find, misuse of public funds, whereby WHSCT secretly diverted money from who it was commisiooned for. (people who are not capable of fighting for their rights, people who can neither talk or walk or comprehend how they are being robbed and discriminated against)

The NIPSO has shown *not one* good reason for her not investigating by herself or through her Own Initiative team. This casts a shadow over the rationale of the current Ombudsman and the motivation of her inaction.

I await a clear answer, which I can understand, and which is not intentionally confusing and ask for an IR.

*I also ask for the NIPSO to put together a full and formal statement as to why she refuses to carry out her duties to investigate (alone or through OI) WHSCT for their "missing millions" scandal, most of which has not been paid back. And no-one knows where the money went as far as I am aware.

Yours sincerely,

Joan Corrigan

NIPSO Legal Services, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman

Dear Ms Corrigan

Re Information request ref: IR20210028 sent on 27 August 2021

I acknowledge receipt of this email.

I have forwarded the email to Mr John McGinnity, Director of NIPSO, who considers any internal reviews submitted in respect of an Information Request.

Yours Sincerely

Gregory Smyth
Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman's Office
Progressive House | 33 Wellington Place | Belfast | BT1 6HN
Email: [email address]
 Telephone: 0800 343424

Please note, we are currently taking steps to manage the unprecedented circumstances we are all experiencing in relation to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.  Like most others, including our fellow public sector service providers, this is impacting on our ability to provide our full normal service.
We are continuing to provide our services but please be aware that our office is now closed and our staff are working from home.  We are still responding to emails and phone enquiries but due to the impact on our staff, our response times will be affected.

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