NIHRC and the learning Disabled
Dear Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission,
You are currenty compiling evidence for the UN regarding Disability Discrimination in NI, of which there is a huge amount re the learning disabled ( Muckamore, Missing Millions on funds, eradication of day care and respite etc)
You have been made aware that the learning disabled and their families are being subject to covid guidance, covid limitations and severe cuts in services that other non disabled poeple in NI are.
You are aware that many learning disabled people, who live in care homes, have had their day care stopped , it seems indefinitely, due to covid restrictions which are not imposed on any / almost any others in NI. And that those learning disabled who live with their families are not having the day care taken from them,.
You have been made aware that taking day care from them, especially without consent, no capacity to object, nor best interets meetings , is a violation of human rights 3,5, and 8 , deprivation of liberty, as well as a violation of article 19 of the UNCRPD
Please answer
*Apart from the UN report ,what else is NIHRC currently doing about the above eg Investigations, Policy, Media, lobbying. ( please provide evidence).
*How are LD families and individuals and the learning disabled themselves being contacted to contribute to the UN Report.
*Please outline all work which has been undertaken by NIHRC since its inception to highlight/ address/ represent against- any human rights breaches which have happened against the Learning Disabled community by any state organization such as any of the 5 Trusts , the Dept of Health, the PHA.
(Please provide evidence.)
*what is your investigations team working on at present, what will they be doing for the next 2/3 years and when does NIHRC plan to use its resources for the Human Rights crisis that is upon the Learning Disabled ?
*Who / what group within NIHRC decides what is investigated by the Investigations team?
* Who are your Board comprised of and what are their job titles.
Yours faithfully,
Joan Corrigan
Thank you for your email. A member of our team will respond to your
request as soon as possible. If you would like to speak to a member of
staff urgently please contact us +44 (0) 28 9024 3987.
Dear Ms Corrigan,
Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information request dated
13 September 2022.
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