NHS Wheelchair Services
Dear Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group,
Please may I request the following information with regard to NHS Wheelchair Services, to be provided under the Freedom of Information Act.
1. Who provides your current Wheelchair Service
a. Is your provider an NHS organisation or a contracted-out, non-NHS organisation?
b. What is the name of your current provider?
c. What is the name of the Wheelchair Service Manager?
2. How your wheelchair services are provided
a. Do you combine your Wheelchair Service with any other service, such as Prosthetics or Community Equipment? If so, please provide a list of the other services.
b. Is your Wheelchair Service exclusive to your CCG?
c. If you service is combined with another please provide a list of the CCGs that share this Wheelchair Service and confirm who is the lead CCG?
d. Is the Repair and Maintenance element of the service “integrated” or contracted out to a 3rd party Approved Repairer?
e. If you have an externally provided Approved Repairer, what is the name of your current provider?
3. About your wheelchair service
a. What is the size of the population covered by your Wheelchair Service?
b. How many registered service users are served by the Wheelchair Service?
4. About the Integrated (Combined service and Repair & Maintenance) contract with your provider
a. What is the contract spend in the last financial year for the Integrated Wheelchair Service?
b. Please state the dates of your last financial year.
c. When was the Integrated Wheelchair Service last tendered?
d. When does the current contract expire please provide details of any potential contract extension?
e. Please provide the date this Wheelchair Service will be next tendered
5. About the Repair and Maintenance (R&M) sub-contract with your wheelchair provider (where appropriate)
a. What is the contract spend in the last financial year for the R&M Wheelchair Service?
b. Please state the dates of your last financial year.
c. When was the R&M Wheelchair Service last tendered?
d. When does the current R&M sub-contract expire please provide details of any potential contract extension
e. Please provide the date that R&M Wheelchair Service sub-contract will be next tendered
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Mr N Douglas
Dear Mr Douglas
Thank you for your recent request for information. This request was
received by NHS Bassetlaw CCG on the 15th November 2017; we will respond
to you no later than the 13th December 2017 (20 working days).
Kind Regards
Sarah Beard
Assurance & Engagement Officer
NHS Bassetlaw CCG
Retford Hospital
North Road
DN22 7XF
01777 863308
Dear Mr Douglas
Thank you for your recent request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act. Please see our responses highlighted below;
1. Who provides your current Wheelchair Service
Short term loan through Nottinghamshire ICELS
Long term use through Sheffield teaching hospital (STH)
a. Is your provider an NHS organisation or a contracted-out,
non-NHS organisation?
ICELS is non NHS
b. What is the name of your current provider?
See above
c. What is the name of the Wheelchair Service Manager?
None specific to CCG. Services requested by other provider organisations
not directly by the CCG
2. How your wheelchair services are provided
a. Do you combine your Wheelchair Service with any other
service, such as Prosthetics or Community Equipment? If so, please
provide a list of the other services.
ICELS is a community equipment loan service
STH is a specific wheelchair service within a larger acute contract
b. Is your Wheelchair Service exclusive to your CCG?
No for both
d. If you service is combined with another please provide a
list of the CCGs that share this Wheelchair Service and confirm who is the
lead CCG?
ICELS covers all Nottinghamshire CCGs. The lead for the contract is
Nottinghamshire County Council.
STH provides services at least through a contract where Bassetlaw is an
associate to a contract lead by Sheffield CCG. Other CCGs outside of that
contract may also access their services.
e. Is the Repair and Maintenance element of the service
“integrated” or contracted out to a 3rd party Approved Repairer?
f. If you have an externally provided Approved Repairer,
what is the name of your current provider?
3. About your wheelchair service
a. What is the size of the population covered by your
Wheelchair Service?
Bassetlaw population is approx.114K
b. How many registered service users are served by the
Wheelchair Service?
This information is not held by the CCG
4. About the Integrated (Combined service and Repair &
Maintenance) contract with your provider
a. What is the contract spend in the last financial year for
the Integrated Wheelchair Service?
2016/17 - £286k for STH contract
ICELS – the charges do not separately analyse costs
STH – 17/18 plan £263K (per contract)
b. Please state the dates of your last financial year.
16/17 is last year 1/4/16 – 31/3/17
c. When was the Integrated Wheelchair Service last tendered?
No separate Wheelchair service has been procured
d. When does the current contract expire please provide details
of any potential contract extension?
ICELS – contract runs to 2020/21 with a possible 2 year extension
STH – currently in contract 17/18 – 18/19
e. Please provide the date this Wheelchair Service will be next
No current plans to procure a standalone service
5. About the Repair and Maintenance (R&M) sub-contract with
your wheelchair provider (where appropriate)
a. What is the contract spend in the last financial year for
the R&M Wheelchair Service?
b. Please state the dates of your last financial year.
c. When was the R&M Wheelchair Service last tendered?
d. When does the current R&M sub-contract expire please provide
details of any potential contract extension
e. Please provide the date that R&M Wheelchair Service
sub-contract will be next tendered
Kind regards
Sarah Beard
Assurance & Engagement Officer
NHS Bassetlaw CCG
Retford Hospital
North Road
DN22 7XF
01777 863308
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