NHS Trust charity status and Maudsley charity and Kings Research Partners
Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,
Has the Charity Commission been consulted by or given advice to (a) the Trust (b) the charity (c) charities members (d) any of the current or past trustees (e) any other NHS or Department of Health body particuarly in light of their Kings Research Partner Kings College Hospital going into financial special measures https://www.kch.nhs.uk/about/corporate/f... which would seem unconnected judging by Maudsley's NHS trusts board positive financial minutes
a) why the NHS trust no longer has charitable status? see https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/c... yet still is able to sign people up from the trusts web site
b) the legality of that decision to separate from the trust
c) such a disparity in terms of membership numbers or was disclosed in any such discussions
d) whether the trust and charity made or makes it possible for inpatients (under the Mental Health Act) to be members during their care and how it helps them, including access to legal resources to challenge decisions by trust staff using the Mental Health Act to enforce medication on them while in wards and not to discharge them from wards?
Or has the issues advice has been sought from you or supplied considered the charity acting in the best interests of beneficiaries in terms of:
a) it's different processes over time of how staff, in-patients, patients and the general public and patients are able to become and apply for membership
b) how it invites them to join
c) but also the communities it serves to take part in such a decision, including you other regulators, funders, local councils and the Department of Health
c) how much the charity spends in terms of beneficiaries and any confusion that exists between how it perceives patients, in-patients, general public and current trust staff and those that have left following a complaint or investigation regarding patients?
d) where projects like Healthlocker are discontinued whether funding schemes deliver real long term benefit to the charity and beneficiaries, how beneficaries are involved in decisions and can influence things, and are appropriately reported on and monitored?
e) income from the charities assets is charged calculated and collected eg relating to Ortus or how intellectual property from its research programme is owned and helps support in-patients and patients and patients and inpatients are involved in the decisions regarding spending and funded programmes?
f) the long term viability of the Trust or charity in light of Kings financial special measures, liabilities in terms of insurance claims or legal action or as a result of medication, safeguarding failures or criminal action by trust staff or police investigations
Yours faithfully,
Spencer Gasson
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Dear Mr Gasson,
Please see attached my response to your request for information.
Yours sincerely,
Lucy Breakspere
Information Rights and Complaints Manager
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