NHS Supply Chain Imaging Maintenance Framework

The request was successful.

Dear NHS Business Services Authority,

Please supply the documentation relating to the NHS Supply Chain Imaging Maintenance Framework Agreement. Specifically I require all of the documentation published at the time of the original tender and the final Framework Agreement setting out the means by which call-offs or mini-competitions are handled under the framework. We require the complete Framework Agreement and Framework tender documentation in addition to a list of suppliers on the framework. Should you feel that disclosure of the specific discounts offered by suppliers under this framework should not be released I would be happy with a redacted version with only the financial numbers removed. It is critical, however, that the commercial nature of the agreement is disclosed, including all the terms and processes for awarding contracts.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Smith

Deborah Williams,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr. Smith,

Attached please find an acknowledgement of your request for

Yours sincerely

Debbie Williams
Information Governance Assistant
NHS Business Services Authority
Bridge House
152 Pilgrim Street
Newcastle upon Tyne

[email address]

0191 203 5352

To save paper, and to help our environmental footprint, please view
our e-mail disclaimer on our website at http://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/email

Reference: 100329 SMITH 492912

Dear Deborah,

Thank you for your reply.

Please could you confirm that I have directed this FOI request correctly and that NHSBSA take responsibility for FOI requests on behalf of their agents NHS Supply Chain.

Yours sincerely,

Mike Smith

Deborah Williams,

Dear Mike

Thank you for your e-mail. Your request has been directed correctly;
requests for information regarding any of the business areas within the
NHSBSA, including Supply Chain, are administered centrally initially.

Yours sincerely

Debbie Williams
Information Governance Assistant
NHS Business Services Authority
Bridge House
152 Pilgrim Street
Newcastle upon Tyne

[email address]

0191 203 5352

show quoted sections

Deborah Williams,

7 Attachments

Dear Mr Smith,

Please find attached a final letter regarding your recent Freedom of
Information request.

Many thanks

Debbie Williams
Information Governance Assistant
NHS Business Services Authority
Bridge House
152 Pilgrim Street
Newcastle upon Tyne

[email address]

0191 203 5352

To save paper, and to help our environmental footprint, please view
our e-mail disclaimer on our website at http://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/email

Dear Deborah Williams,

Thank you for your reply. I have some additional questions as clarification to my original questions.

In the Offer Schedule, I am struggling to find where prices for maintenance contracts for individual devices are requested. In the commentary at the beginning it says that prices will be given in Worksheet 1 - but this only appears to ask maintainers to list the modalities that they wish and are able to maintain.

Could you explain how prices of maintenance contracts have been tested in the setup of the framework? Does the framework competition include testing of prices for all contracts for all items of equipment? I understand that Call-out charges are tested, but not how the prices for individual contracts have been tested.

Also, in the Terms and Electronic Form of Offer document, you refer (Clause 11) to Aggregated Spend across Established Equipment. Does this mean where a) the equipment is already installed and b) where there is more than one piece of equipment? If not, please explain its meaning.

Yours sincerely,

Mike Smith

Deborah Williams,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Smith,

Please find attached a letter regarding your recent Freedom of
Information request.

Many thanks

Debbie Williams
Information Governance Assistant
NHS Business Services Authority
Bridge House
152 Pilgrim Street
Newcastle upon Tyne

[email address]

0191 203 5352

To save paper, and to help our environmental footprint, please view
our e-mail disclaimer on our website at http://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/email

Deborah Williams,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Smith,

Please find attached a final letter regarding your recent Freedom of
Information request.

Many thanks

Debbie Williams
Information Governance Assistant
NHS Business Services Authority
Bridge House
152 Pilgrim Street
Newcastle upon Tyne

[email address]

0191 203 5352

To save paper, and to help our environmental footprint, please view
our e-mail disclaimer on our website at http://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/email