Requests similar to 'NHS info via Freedom of Information and language used'

Work Package contract usage within NHS Digital
Response by NHS Digital to BBagnall on .


Ref: NIC-359326-S5V4C  Dear [FOI #645573 email], Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from ou...
Ref: NIC-234630-D2Q5H  Dear M Smith, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our colleagues...
  Ref: NIC-208320-K3T7W  Dear Rawlins, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 20/06/2018 a...
Data protection officer
Response by NHS Digital to T Thompson on .


  Ref: NIC-209290-S1C8X  Dear Thompson, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 23/06/2018 ...
IG training
Response by NHS Digital to Tim on .


  Ref: NIC-269150-R5G6V  Dear Tim, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 4/2/2019 and is...
Data Protection and Security Toolkit
Response by NHS Digital to lau on .


  Ref: NIC-227488-K2K3W  Good Afternoon, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 29th Augus...
Legal cases
Response by NHS Digital to Louis Goddard on .


  Ref: NIC-241732-K9T5R  Dear Louis Goddard, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 19/10/...
Women in ICT and Org2
Response by NHS Digital to Michael Smith on .

Partially successful

Ref: NIC-267538-V5D0P  Dear Michael Smith, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 30/01/19 a...
Response by NHS Digital to David Hanson on .


Ref: NIC-269790-F8M9L  Dear David Hanson, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 06/02/19 an...
GDPR Data Protection Impact Assessment
Response by NHS Digital to Teresa Kelly on .


  Ref: NIC-273185-V2N0G  Dear Teresa Kelly, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 20/2/20...
Open Source Programme / Code4Health
Response by NHS Digital to Andrew Roberts on .


Ref: NIC-275466-S8D7S  Dear Andrew Roberts, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 01/03/19 ...
  Ref: NIC-276793-N5M0R  Dear Andrew Roberts, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 6/3/2...
SCCI 0129 and SCCI 0160 for eRS
Response by NHS Digital to Robert Bond on .


  Ref: NIC-208837-V4F8D  Dear Bob Bond, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 21/06/2018 ...
  Ref: NIC-213083-C7J4K  Dear A Walker, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 06/07/2018 ...
NHS Digital Recruitment Policy
Response by NHS Digital to Philip Bottomley on .


  Ref: NIC-213234-C4G3X  Dear Philip Bottomley, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 09/...
  Ref: NIC-217852-Y7H3G  Dear Irene Papanicolas, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 23... email domain usage
Response by NHS Digital to Dimitri Amiras on .

Partially successful

  Ref: NIC-221312-M0L7P  Dear Dimitri Amiras, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 03/08...
Selling and giving away of data
Response by NHS Digital to Nick Leaton on .

Long overdue

  Ref: NIC-223620-F5Y9G  Dear Nick Leaton, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 13/08/20...
  Ref: NIC-224051-Z7T1J  Dear Sandre Jones, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 14/8/20...
Correspondence relating to non-implementation of Type 2 opt outs
Response by NHS Digital to Sandre Jones on .

Awaiting classification

  Ref: NIC-226007-M9H2C  Dear Sandre Jones, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 22/08/2...
  Ref: NIC-234193-L0S0V  Dear Sarah Burke, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 21/9/201...
DSPT Audit Guidance
Response by NHS Digital to Alan Bunn on .

Information not held

  Ref: NIC-235990-B6Y9J  Dear Alan Bunn, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 27/09/2018...
  Ref: NIC-236911-F0B0Q  Dear Lucy Series, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 2/10/201...
Workforce enquiry
Response by NHS Digital to Elizabeth McLean on .


  Ref: NIC-243097-R9V7R  Dear Elizabeth McLean, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 23/...
Monthly breakdown of NHS joiners and leavers data
Response by NHS Digital to Robert Davidson on .


  Ref: NIC-249397-Q5C1V  Dear Robert Davidson, I am writing to acknowledge that your request for information was received by NHS Digital on 19/1...