This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'NHS info via Freedom of Information and language used'.

1 Trevelyan  Square 
Boar Lane 
Leeds LS1 6AE  
0300 303 5678 
06 February 2019 
Our ref: NIC-261107-Z4V6G 
Dear Spencer Gasson, 
Re: Information Request – Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 
Thank you for your email dated 9 January 2019 requesting the following information: 
“Under the Freedom of Information Act, has there been any discussion about how in the long terms 
NHS information is retained in a way the National Archives role might be and if not how does this fit 
with your and the NHS Information Boards priorities? 
Has there been any work or discussion in terms of making information from Freedom of Information 

requested information more readily available using digital means? How does improving access and 
reducing duplication fit in terms of yours and the Information board priorities? Could mapping these 
against clinical specialities, for example, reduce duplication and has an NHSwiki idea been discussed 
or evaluated for possible benefit involving patients and professionals?” 
We have considered your request and in accordance with S.1 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 
2000 (FOIA) I can confirm that we do hold the information that you have requested. 
With regards retention of NHS information in the long term. Al  NHS  Digital records are retained in 
accordance with our Records Management Policy which is available from the Data Retention section 
of our Transparency Page
safe/gdpr/gdpr-register. Additionally in terms of the wider NHS  there is also a Records Management 
Code of Practice which includes details on the length of time records should be retained
NHS Digital currently maintains a disclosure log for FOI requests which is available via the Lists and 
Registers section of our Publication Scheme
information-and-documents/publication-scheme Please note there are currently discussions 
progressing to improve the accessibility and user experience of interacting with these logs and other 
existing sources of information. I have also included an overview of this work which was  produced to 
aid current discussions. You should also find via the publications scheme other accessible 
information such as our Data Release Register from our Data Access Request Service (DARS). 
Improving access and reducing duplication are very much at the forefront of current activities for 
example improving access for patients via the NHS App and 
reducing duplication via the Data Content and new Data Collections activity
collections . This work is also complimented by ongoing work in delivering our Interoperability and 
architure work as part of the Integrated Care Programme  

Further information explaining the role and remit of NHS  Digital in the Health Service is available 
from the below link
service. I would suggest that any specific questions regarding the National Information Board may be 
best directed towards: 
National Information Board Secretariat 
Room 2N12 
Quarry House 
Quarry Hill 
LS2 7UE 
United Kingdon 
In line with the Information Commissioner’s directive on the disclosure of information under the 
Freedom of Information Act 2000 your request wil  form part of our disclosure log.  Therefore, a 
version of our response which wil  protect your anonymity wil  be posted on the NHS Digital website.  
I  trust you are satisfied with our response to your request for information. However, if you are not 
satisfied, you may request a review from a suitably qualified member of staff not involved in the initial 
query, via the email address or by post at the above postal address. 
Your request to NHS  Digital wil   now be closed on our internal CRM (customer relationship 
management) system. 
Yours sincerely, 
Information Assurance Advisor 

Further information  about your right to complain  under the Freedom  of Information  Act is available  from the Information 
Commissioner’s  Office, Wilmslow , Cheshire, and on The Information Commissioner’s  w ebsite w 
NHS  Digital  values customer feedback and w ould appreciate a moment  of your time to respond to our Freedom  of 
Information  (FOI)  Survey to let us know  about your experience.  Please access the survey through this link here