NHS Adult Hearing – Private Practice & Non-NHS Revenue
Dear FOI Team,
I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the below.
NHS Adult Hearing – Private Practice & Non-NHS Revenue
The details I require are:
1. Does your NHS Adult Hearing service receive any Non-NHS revenue either directly from patients, in commission or in products or discount from manufactures, third party sellers online or otherwise? For the avoidance of doubt this should include hearing aids or devices, Bluetooth enable devices, TV streamers, hearing aid remote controls or any other peripherals. If yes, then please list volumes/values per annum or if this is not available, then please provide the budgeted value in your trusts financial forecast for years 2023/24 and if available 2024/25.
2. Do any of the professional audiologists delivering NHS services on behalf of the Trust work in private practice? If yes, have they declared to the Trust that this is a potential conflict of interest?
3. Have you received any patient, customer or service user complaints that mention the purchase or supply of any of the following? Hearing aids or devices, Bluetooth enabled devices, TV streamers, hearing aid remote controls or any other peripherals. If yes, please list the number and nature of the complaint/complaints.
Thank you for your help.
Yours sincerely
Dear Zorina Flax,
We are writing to acknowledge receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your request has been assigned the following reference number FOI 0080-25 and we would be grateful if you could quote this reference number in any future correspondence relating to your request.
The Trust is experiencing unprecedented delays in many areas of our business due to the recovery from the pandemic and resources may be diverted away from usual compliance or information governance work. Whilst we will endeavour to respond to your request within the statutory time period, regrettably it may not always be possible to do so. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, however we do remain committed to responding to your request and will do so as soon as we are able.
We will endeavor to respond to your request at the earliest opportunity, subject to the following constraints: -
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 defines a number of exemptions, which may prevent the release of the information you have requested. If any of the exemption categories apply, the information will not be released to you and we will advise you, accordingly, including your rights of appeal.
Further information is also available from the Information Commissioner at: -
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Website: http://www.ico.org.uk/
If you require any further information regarding your request please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
FOI Team
Group Digital Services
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
3rd Floor, Cobbett House
Oxford Road
M13 9WL
Dear Zorina Flax,
Please find attached the response to your FOI request.
Yours sincerely,
FOI Team
Group Digital Services
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
3^rd Floor, Cobbett House
Oxford Road
M13 9WL
T: 0161 701 0375
E: [1][MFT request email]
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would notify us immediately. Thank you for your assistance. Please note
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Freedom of Information Act (unless exempt).
Visible links
1. mailto:[mft%20request%20email]
2. http://www.mft.nhs.uk/
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