Newbury Sports Hub and Faraday Road Football Ground
Dear Sport England
Can you please provide ALL formal and informal correspondence (internal and external meeting notes / minutes, emails, letters, spreadsheets, notes/minutes/ recordings from phone conversations and face to face meetings) between Sport England and West Berkshire Council (Officers and Councillors) for the period 31 March 2021 to 30 April 2022 with respect to any / all planning applications, planning advice (including pre-app and post app advice) for the following:
1) The “Newbury Sports Hub” : Newbury Rugby Football Club Monks Lane Newbury West Berkshire RG14 7RW
2) Newbury Football Club / Newbury Football Ground, Faraday Road, Newbury RG14 2AD
Yours faithfully,
Nic Robbins
Please accept this email as confirmation that your message has been
received by Sport England’s FOI mailbox.
You will receive an acknowledgement of your message within five working
Thank you,
The Information Governance Team
The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Additionally, this
email and any attachment are confidential and intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this email and any attachment
in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or
copying, is strictly prohibited. If you voluntarily provide personal data
by email, Sport England will handle the data in accordance with its
Privacy Statement. Sport England’s Privacy Statement may be found here If you have any queries
about Sport England’s handling of personal data you can contact Gaile
Walters, Sport England’s Data Protection Officer directly by emailing
[email address]
Dear Mr Robbins,
Thank you for your recent email in which you request all formal and
informal correspondence between Sport England and West Berkshire Council
in relation to planning applications. Your email was received on
09/02/2023 and is being responded to by the Information Governance Team as
we are responsible for responding to requests for information held by
Sport England.
As a public body, Sport England is subject to the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and we will handle your request in accordance with
the terms set out in the Act. We will provide you with our full response
promptly and usually within twenty working days. In some circumstances we
may extend this to allow us to consider the public interest; if this is
necessary in your case I will write to you again and explain why.
I will be in touch again in due course and in any event not later than
In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further
Kind regards,
We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [1]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [2]Gaile Walters
Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
Dear Mr Robbins,
Thank you for your email requesting information regarding all formal and
informal correspondence between Sport England and West Berkshire Council
in relation to planning applications. We are handling your request under
the terms of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).
Please note that we have extended the deadline for responding to your
request for correspondence between Sport England and West Berkshire
Council by a further 20 working days. We have taken this decision under
Regulation 7 of the EIR which allows additional time to be added if a
public authority reasonably believes that the complexity and volume of the
information requested means that it is impracticable either to comply with
the request within the earlier period or to make a decision to refuse to
do so.
Our final response will be sent to you as soon as possible but not later
than 11 April 2023.
Thank you for your patience.
Kind regards,
We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [1]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [2]Gaile Walters
Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
Email 1
Dear Mr Robbins,
I am writing further to your request for information regarding all formal
and informal correspondence between Sport England and West Berkshire
Council in relation to planning applications. We have considered your
request and I am writing to provide you with the following information.
Please find attached most of the documents that we hold that fall within
the scope of this request. (Further documents to follow in other emails.)
Please note that we have removed a number of names, job titles, email
addresses and telephone numbers from the attached documents because we
consider this information to be exempt from disclosure under Regulation 12
(3) of the EIR. The names and direct email addresses of our external
partners and our non-senior, non-public facing staff constitutes personal
data as defined by the General Data Protection Regulations. Our external
partners and staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy and would not
expect us to make information about their working lives public. As such,
disclosure of this information would not be fair and in direct
contravention of the first data protection principle.
Sport England holds some other documents that fall within the scope of
your request, but we consider them to be exempt from disclosure for the
following reasons:
• Regulation 12 (4) (d) applies because some of the information is
‘material which is still in the course of completion …unfinished
documents and incomplete data’. Regulation 12 (4) (d) is a qualified
exception, so we are required to carry out a public interest test to
determine whether the public interest in releasing the information
outweighs the public interest in withholding it;
• Regulation 12 (5)(e) applies because some of the information you have
requested is confidential and commercially sensitive information.
Regulation 12 (5) (e) is a qualified exception, so we are required to
carry out a public interest test to determine whether the public
interest in releasing the information outweighs the public interest in
withholding it.
There is a presumption that information should be released unless there
are compelling reasons to withhold it. The public interest test requires a
public body to balance the public interest in withholding the information
against the public interest presumption in favour of disclosure. We have
done this by carrying out a scoring system which is set out in a tabular
form below. We have used a scale of 0-5, with 0 having the least weight
and 5 having the most weight, to determine the weight for and against each
public interest factor. The public interest factors in favour of or
against disclosure are derived from guidance and legislation and they have
also been included in the table.
Factors in favour of disclosing the Factors in favour of withholding the
information information
The inherent public interest in The public interest in preserving the
ensuring openness and transparency principle of confidentiality.
in the work of
public authorities including Sport
England Sport England needs to be able to
retain the confidence and trust of
its stakeholders without taking
action that would create a chilling
PUBLIC INTEREST WEIGHTING: 3 effect. Our stakeholders may be
discouraged from confiding in Sport
England if they do not have a degree
of certainty that this trust will be
Prejudice would occur, effect severe respected. Furthermore disclosing
draft documents could result in the
publication of misleading
Sport England requires the free flow
of confidential information from its
stakeholders to effectively perform
its functions. If Sport England were
to breach this trust, the flow of
information could diminish, making it
more difficult for Sport England to
carry out its functions effectively.
Publication of incomplete and
unfinished information could lead to
confusing and inaccurate information
being published which could confuse
the public.
Prejudice would occur, effect severe
The public interest in ensuring that The public interest in ensuring that
Sport England can deliberate on the public authority is able to
important issues, including those provide advisory responses to
connected with carrying out its planning matters without creating a
statutory functions. chilling effect. The public interest
to create a safe space for planning
advice .
Prejudice would occur, effect severe
Prejudice would occur, effect severe
The public interest in securing the The public interest in allowing Sport
best use of public resources and in England to withhold information which
ensuring fair commercial competition if disclosed, would reduce a
in a mixed economy stakeholders ability to negotiate or
compete in a commercial environment.
Prejudice would occur, effect severe
Prejudice would occur, effect severe
Having considered all the above factors, we are satisfied that the balance
lies in favour of withholding some of the information you have requested
on this occasion. We are therefore refusing to disclose some of the
information you have requested.
This completes our response to your information request.
As a public body, Sport England is subject to the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and this means you are entitled to complain if you
are unhappy with the way we have handled your information request and/or
ask us to review our decision. If you would like to complain about the way
we have handled your request or ask for our decision to be reviewed please
contact: [1][Sport England request email] . Please describe your original request,
explain your grounds for dissatisfaction and include an address for
correspondence. All internal reviews are carried out by a colleague who
has not previously been involved in the handling of your information
request. We aim to complete internal reviews within twenty working days.
If you are not content with the outcome of our Internal Review you have
the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner. Generally speaking
the Information Commissioner will not be able to consider an appeal unless
you have first exhausted the Internal Review procedure provided by Sport
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
I hope that this satisfies your information request.
Kind regards,
We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [3]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [4]Gaile Walters
The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Additionally, this
email and any attachment are confidential and intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this email and any attachment
in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or
copying, is strictly prohibited. If you voluntarily provide personal data
by email, Sport England will handle the data in accordance with its
Privacy Statement. Sport England’s Privacy Statement may be found here If you have any queries
about Sport England’s handling of personal data you can contact Gaile
Walters, Sport England’s Data Protection Officer directly by emailing
[email address]
Visible links
1. mailto:[Sport England request email]
4. mailto:[email address]
Email 4
We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [1]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [2]Gaile Walters
The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Additionally, this
email and any attachment are confidential and intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this email and any attachment
in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or
copying, is strictly prohibited. If you voluntarily provide personal data
by email, Sport England will handle the data in accordance with its
Privacy Statement. Sport England’s Privacy Statement may be found here If you have any queries
about Sport England’s handling of personal data you can contact Gaile
Walters, Sport England’s Data Protection Officer directly by emailing
[email address]
Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
Email 2
We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [1]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [2]Gaile Walters
The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Additionally, this
email and any attachment are confidential and intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this email and any attachment
in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or
copying, is strictly prohibited. If you voluntarily provide personal data
by email, Sport England will handle the data in accordance with its
Privacy Statement. Sport England’s Privacy Statement may be found here If you have any queries
about Sport England’s handling of personal data you can contact Gaile
Walters, Sport England’s Data Protection Officer directly by emailing
[email address]
Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
Email 3
We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [1]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [2]Gaile Walters
The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Additionally, this
email and any attachment are confidential and intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this email and any attachment
in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or
copying, is strictly prohibited. If you voluntarily provide personal data
by email, Sport England will handle the data in accordance with its
Privacy Statement. Sport England’s Privacy Statement may be found here If you have any queries
about Sport England’s handling of personal data you can contact Gaile
Walters, Sport England’s Data Protection Officer directly by emailing
[email address]
Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
Email 6
We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [1]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [2]Gaile Walters
The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Additionally, this
email and any attachment are confidential and intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this email and any attachment
in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or
copying, is strictly prohibited. If you voluntarily provide personal data
by email, Sport England will handle the data in accordance with its
Privacy Statement. Sport England’s Privacy Statement may be found here If you have any queries
about Sport England’s handling of personal data you can contact Gaile
Walters, Sport England’s Data Protection Officer directly by emailing
[email address]
Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
Email 5
We have updated our Privacy Statement to reflect the recent changes to
data protection law but rest assured, we will continue looking after your
personal data just as carefully as we always have. Our Privacy Statement
is published on our [1]website, and our Data Protection Officer can be
contacted by emailing [2]Gaile Walters
The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Additionally, this
email and any attachment are confidential and intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this email and any attachment
in error, and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or
copying, is strictly prohibited. If you voluntarily provide personal data
by email, Sport England will handle the data in accordance with its
Privacy Statement. Sport England’s Privacy Statement may be found here If you have any queries
about Sport England’s handling of personal data you can contact Gaile
Walters, Sport England’s Data Protection Officer directly by emailing
[email address]
Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
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