New Software system for Case and Complaints management
Dear Sir or Madam,
I understand Belfast-based software provider Equiniti ICS has won a multi-million pound contract with the Independent Police Complaints Commission of England and Wales to provide a complex case and complaints management solution to the IPCC.
Please provide:
1. All data relating to the failings or shortcomings of the current / former system(s) that has resulted in the need for new software, to include the name of the software and the supplier
2. A copy of the tender process leading to the appointment of Equiniti ICS
3. The submissions from those submitting the tender process
4. the reports / reviews undertaken to confirm that there existed no conflict of interest with or financial benefit to any party associated with the IPCC
5. the specification of the new system to be supplied by Equiniti ICS
6. the total cost of the system to the IPCC and a breakdown of the costs; development, implementation, training etc.
Yours faithfully,
P Swift
Dear Sir or Madam,
by law, you should have answered promptly. You have not given a legal reason why you need extra time. You are breaking the law as you have not replied by 18 November 2009.
I am requesting a review and wish to complain that the ipcc has committed an offence under foia.
Yours faithfully,
P Swift
Dear Mr Swift
We have received your email and acknowledge receipt of today 19th
November 2009 and will be responded
to in due course. Unable to send to [[email address]]
Dear Ms. Cass,
what is meant by 'in due course'? Given that you have not complied with the law and not had the courtesy to advise me there would be a delay, please advise when I can expect to hear further in respect of this matter.
Yours sincerely,
P Swift
Dear Ms Cass,
With regard to your e-mail (below)
Please could you respond to each issue via the service I have used -
Please also explain why you not responding via the site
Furthermore, why are you writing to my work e-mail address in respect of this personal matter; I have approached you via a web site and use a login that is not connected to my work e-mail address.
Yours sincerely,
P Swift
-----Original Message-----
From: Athena Cass [mailto:Athena.Cass[at]]
Sent: 20 November 2009 15:50
To: Philip Swift
Cc: Diljinder Chowhan
Subject: RE: Requests
> Dear Mr Swift
> Thank you for all your requests that you have recently made to the
> IPCC and sent into the foi requests inbox.
> I do apologise for the length of time it is taking in responding to
> your requests.
> I will be in a position next week to provide you with a formal
> deadline for when you can expect a formal response to your requests
> from the IPCC.
> I will contact you by no later than November 27 2009 and provide you
> with a set deadline.
> Once again please accept my apologise for the delay and I hope that
> this has not caused you any inconvenience.
> Yours sincerely
> Miss Diljinder Kaur Chowhan
> Freedom of Information Team Leader
> Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
> 90 High Holborn
> London
> WC1V 6BH
> Direct Dial 0207 166 3274
> Personal Fax 0207 166 3574
Despite the apology and assurance above, Ms Chowhan did not respond to me as stated. Indeed, I heard no further from Ms Chowan in respect of the issue and have had no reply to the following:
Sent: 27 November 2009 15:51
Subject: ipcc re other interests foia
Diljinder Chowhan
I have complained directly to you, also asking you to review what has happened. I understand you have your own complaints procedure. On 21.11.2009, I wrote:
“by law, you should have answered promptly. You have not given a legal reason why you need extra time. You are breaking the law as you have not replied by 18 November 2009. I am requesting a review and wish to complain that the ipcc has committed an offence under foia.”
I wish to know:
1. Why I did not receive the courtesy of a response within 20 working days of my original request
2. Why I did not receive the data within 20 working days of my request
3. The present position with regard to my complaint
4. The present position with regard to the review
5. Why the review will, by reference to your response, take more than 20 working days
You are seeking another 20 working days (from today) you are effectively treating this request, which was made over a month ago, as through it were only received today
6. Why?
I note, by reference to your web site:
“ If the IPCC is to hold the police to account then it must maintain the highest standards itself.”
7. Why then is there a blatant disregard for the Freedom of Information Act ?
You are in breach of legislation; hardly conducive to instilling public confidence or being perceived as acting with integrity.
Your behavior is unprofessional, unacceptable. This appears to be a further example of the IPCC lacking an understanding of legislation and behaving in a manner that suits its objectives and agenda; not those of the complainant.
I anticipate receiving the data requested within 5 working days.
P Swift
F.A.O Ms Parker
I write further to your email of 31st December (below) and refer you to my exchanges with Ms Chowan (above) . Please advise:
1. The present position with regard to my complaint
2. Why Ms Chowan has failed to act as stated and failed to respond to my request
3. Your definition of ‘shortly’ (and ‘in due course’ – see above)
4. Why the outcome of the review I requested has not been provided.
Yours sincerely
P Swift
cc Information Commissioner’s Office
From: Vangie Parker vangie.parker-lacsamana[@]
Sent: 31 December 2009 14:38
To: Philip Swift
Subject: FOI Requests for information - Mr Philip Swift
Dear Mr Swift,
I am the Freedom of Information Officer dealing with your requests for information under the disclosure provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please be assured that I am dealing with your requests and you will receive a response to all of your requests for information shortly.
Thank you for your patience and kind understanding.
Best wishes for the new year,
Ms Vangie Parker
Freedom of Information Officer
independent police complaints commission 90 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6BH
Tel: 0207 166 3117
Fax: 0207 404 0430
E mail for IPCC FOI Unit: [email address]
Paul left an annotation ()
IPCC, a running joke. The veener of Independence has long worn off.
I would suggest to any aggrieved person to ignore the IPCC and go straight to a decent solicitor.
IPCC Reference: FOI 1001941
Dear Mr Swift,
Thank you for your e-mail dated 21 October 2009, I would like to
apologise for the delay in dealing with your request. This is the result
of the large number of requests for information received by the IPCC in
recent months which has resulted in a significant backlog of work. In
addition, many of the requests we have received have taken some time to
complete due to the amount and complexity of information requested in
individual cases.
Kindly note that this is the second and final part (Annex C & D) as the
annexes are too big to send all at once.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Vangie Parker
Freedom of Information Officer
independent police complaints commission 90 High Holborn, London, WC1V
6BH E mail for IPCC FOI Unit: [IPCC request email]
IPCC Reference: FOI 1001941
Dear Mr Swift,
Thank you for your e-mail dated 21 October 2009, I would like to
apologise for the delay in dealing with your request.
This is the result of the large number of requests for information
received by the IPCC in recent months which has resulted in a
significant backlog of work. In addition, many of the requests we have
received have taken some time to complete due to the amount and
complexity of information requested in individual cases.
Kindly note that this is the part 1B (Annex B) as the annexes are too
big to send all at once.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Vangie Parker
Freedom of Information Officer
independent police complaints commission 90 High Holborn, London, WC1V
6BH E mail for IPCC FOI Unit: [IPCC request email]
IPCC Reference: FOI 1001941
Dear Mr Swift,
Thank you for your e-mail dated 21 October 2009, I would like to
apologise for the delay in dealing with your request.
This is the result of the large number of requests for information
received by the IPCC in recent months which has resulted in a
significant backlog of work. In addition, many of the requests we have
received have taken some time to complete due to the amount and
complexity of information requested in individual cases.
Kindly note that this is the first part (Annex A) as the annexes are too
big to send.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Vangie Parker
Freedom of Information Officer
independent police complaints commission 90 High Holborn, London, WC1V
6BH E mail for IPCC FOI Unit: [IPCC request email]
P Swift left an annotation ()
Dear Sirs
I wish to complain about:
1. The failure of the IPCC to address my FOIA request in 20 working days
2. The continued problems with the IPCC; their inability to act in accordance with FOIA timescales
3. The misrepresentations of the ICI with regard to their statements that I would be contacted
For a full account of my request, please see this and responses at
Yours faithfully,
P Swift
P Swift left an annotation ()
23rd March 2010
Case Reference Number FS50288006
Dear Mr Swift
IPCC Ref: FOI 1001941
Your information request to Independent Police Complaints Commission (“IPCC”).
Thank you for your correspondence in which you confirm that you wish to limit this complaint to the time taken by IPCC to respond to your request.
Your case has been allocated to one of our case resolution teams who will contact you as soon as possible to explain how your complaint will be progressed.
The Information Commissioner’s Office is an independent public body set up to promote public access to official information. We will rule on eligible complaints from people who are unhappy with the way public authorities have handled requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
If you need to contact us about any aspect of your complaint please contact our Freedom of Information Helpline on 0303 123 1113, being sure to quote the reference number at the top of this letter.
Yours sincerely,
Bernard McNally
Sent on behalf of
Mr Andrew White
FoI Triage Team Leader
Information Commissioner’s Office
We work to defend the right to FOI for everyone
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Tony Wise left an annotation ()
The problem for the IPCC is that they let so many complainants down and nearly always support the police in full that they are inundated with requests from disgruntled complainants. I think that it's now all coming home to roost at a socalled "independent" body. The IPCC is clearly a vital public body that is allowing its biased performance to make the police even worse. If the FoIA 2000 is useful in any way it will surely get rid of this outright bias towards the police from the IPCC.