Requests similar to 'Nepal request' (page 5)

Egypt CSSF

Partially successful

Dear Mr Kennard,   This is the fourth email.    Kind Regards,   Information Rights Unit Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office  ...
Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsor Licence Holders
Response by UK Border Agency to A Nasir on .

Partially successful

Dear A Nasir,   Please find the attached in response to your request made under the Freedom of Information Act.   Kind regards   Freedom o...
YOT Board Minutes
Response by City of York Council to Benny Faversham on .


    Please see attached the response to your enquiry under the Freedom of Information Act. Please accept our apologies for the delay in sending thi...
Current FOI case list
Response by Information Commissioner's Office to Alex Skene on .


Our Reference: FOI/991 Dear Mr Skene Further to my email dated 14 August 2008. We have now produced a summary for each currently open and e...
Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsors
Response by UK Border Agency to A Nasir on .


Dear A Nasir   Please see the attached response and separately attached data table following your request for information.   Kind Regards  ...
Dear Flo,   Please find the University's response to your Freedom of Information Request attached.   Kind regards, Information Governance Of...
Dear Mr Gartland, Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1122604  )  Yo...
Form 124D Domestic abuse
Response by Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to Paul on .


Dear Mr. Mason, Please see the attached disclosure. <<MPSDVSPECSS2008.doc.pdf>> Regards, David. David Edwards Freedom of Information Act Qua...
Dear B Maloney,   Thank you for your email. Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards,   Go...
Dear Ms Soeder,   Thank you for your email. Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards,   Go...
Dear Mr Taylor   Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request sent to the CRB.   The remaining files will be sent...
Visits to Venezuela
Response by Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office to stephen nash on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Nash, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request FOI2020/26116, received 10th December. Please find our response attach...
Child abuse investigations
Response by Charity Commission for England and Wales to C Beddoe on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Beddoe   Please find attached the Charity Commission’s response to your request for a review of its Freedom of Information decision.  ...
Service Policies, Instructions and Procedures
Response by West Midlands Police to James Thomas on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear James Thomas   FOI Request Reference: 1706A/21   Thank you for your request for information, received 28/11/2021   REQUEST   I am...
Dear Mr Wight, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request FOI2020/10002, received 26th May. Please find our response attached....
Dear Ms Farrah Please find attached in response to your request of 20 November. Kind regards Information Compliance Team Vice Chancellor’s and Regis...
Expenditure 2009-2010
Response by Staffordshire County Council to mia balach on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Balach, Please find attached information regarding payments. We are not able to provide the data regarding projects within the £450 cost ceili...
      Kind regards   A Feheley Home Office - Commercial [1]Description: Description: Description: Description: 10546_Zoe Pegasiou_CULTURE...
Dear Alice   We write in response to your request for information.   We have responded below your requests:   01.Can you please provide me...
Suzanne Kelly   [1][FOI #797466 email]   Our ref: 34299     Dear Suzanne Kelly   Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Partial...
BA Economics Tripos Papers
Response by University of Cambridge to Ranjan Prakash Mishra on .


Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambrid...
Dear Mr Ingram   Please see the attached reply to your request about Freedom of Information requests received by the Home Office.  I am very sorry...
Mr Coton   Please find attached a response to your correspondence of 30 October.   Attached is the letter (response) and the following document...
Royal Household


Dear Ms Corderoy, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request FOI2021/04311, received 19 February 2021. Please find our response...
RM6002 invitation to tender documents
Response by Crown Commercial Service to Chris Stokes on .


Please find attached the reply to your FOI request       Regards     FOI Team Room 405 70 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2AS E-mail -[1]...