This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'NDR'.

17 March 2017 
Information Governance Team 
Corporate Office 
Richard Scott 
County Hall 
Bythesea Road  
                                      BA14 8JN 
Your ref: 
Our ref:ENQ06895 REQ001 
Dear Richard, 
Freedom of Information Request – Commercial Properties with their Rateable Values 
Thank you for your request for information dated 6 March 2017 in which you asked for the 
following information: 
The most up to date list you can obtain (Ideally from March 2017) (please provide the date 
of the data) with; 
(a) List all Commercial properties with their Rateable Values and addresses.  
(b) The names and addresses of the Rate payers referred to above for each property and 
their correspondence address (if different from the property address) 
(c) The full billing authority reference for each property (this is the property reference not 
the account number) 
(d) The current liability payable for the year 2016/17 
(e) The date the rateable occupier first became liable for the business rates 
(f) If the property is empty that date it became empty 
(g) Please also state which hereditament is currently receiving I. Charitable rate relief 
(mandatory rate relief) II. Discretionary rate relief III. Empty property rate relief IV. Listed 
building exemption V. Retail Relief VI Small Business Rate Relief VII. Any other relief 
(h) List of all credits on account and the amounts 
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ('the Act') The Council is obliged to:  
  Let you know whether we hold the information you have requested 
  Provide you with the requested information, if held, (subject to any exemptions 
under the Act which may apply). 
I can confirm that Wiltshire Council holds the information you have requested. The 
information you requested is attached to the email accompanying this letter. 

If you are dissatisfied with the above response you have a right to request a review of your 
request for information.  Details of the complaints and review procedure are appended to 
this letter. 
Yours sincerely 
Andrew McConaghy 
Freedom of Information Lead 
Direct line: 01225 713632 

Freedom of Information Complaints & Review Procedure 
Any person who has requested information from Wiltshire Council, which has been dealt 
with under the Freedom of Information Act is entitled to complain and request an internal 
review of their request for information if they are dissatisfied with the response they have 
Requests for review of Freedom of Information requests must be made in writing (includes 
email) to: 
Freedom of Information Lead 
County Hall 
Bythesea Road 
BA14 8JN 
Please include the reference number, date of your request and details of why the review is 
being requested. Requests for review should be brought to the attention of the Freedom of 
Information Lead within 42 calendar days (6 weeks) of the response to the original request. 
Any request for review will be acknowledged in writing confirming the reasons for the 
review. The Freedom of Information Lead will allocate the review to someone who is 
independent of the original decision. The person conducting the review will set a target 
date for a response with the intention to complete the review within 20 working days. In 
more complex cases the review may take up to 40 working days. 
The reviewer will conduct a full review of the handling of the request for information and of 
decisions taken, including decisions taken about where the public interest lies in respect of 
exempt information where applicable. The review enables a re-evaluation of the case, 
taking into account any matters raised by the requestor.  
On completion of the review the reviewer will reply to the requestor with the result of the 
review. If the requestor is still dissatisfied following the review they should contact the 
Information Commissioner to appeal the decision. The Information Commissioner can be 
contacted using the following details:  
Information Commissioner's Office  
Wycliffe House  
Water Lane  
SK9 5AF  
Tel:   0303 123 1113 (local rate) 
01625 545 745 (national rate) 