National Entitlement Card documents
Dear National Archives of Scotland,
I am writing on behalf of Open Rights Group to seek records, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) 2002, relating to the National Entitlement Card Programme that you confirmed you were in possession of in a previous request (case no. FOI/17/01300). Open Rights Group requests the following:
- Data Controller / Data Processor Memorandum of Understanding with the Improvement Service.
- Copies of Data Sharing Agreements with local councils (if these are similar in nature, please provide copies for Angus Counil, Glasgow Council, Dundee City Council, and Aberdeen City Council)
- Privacy Impact Assessments carried out by Improvement Service, and Scottish Government which NRS took part in.
- Minutes of the most recent management meeting between Scottish Government and the Improvement Service.
Upon locating the requested records, please contact us and advise us of any costs of providing copies, so that we may decide whether it is necessary to narrow our request.
We would appreciate a response as soon as possible and look forward to hearing from you shortly.
If any portion of this request is denied for any reason, please inform us of the reasons for the denial in writing and provide the name and address of the body to whom appeal should be directed.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at 020 7096 1079 or matthew at if you have any questions about this request. Thank you for your prompt attention.
Yours faithfully,
Matthew Rice
Dear Mr Rice
Thank you for your request dated 19 July 2017 under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) requesting access to records relating to the National Entitlement Card Programme.
We received your request on 19 July 2017 and will respond in accordance with FOISA by 17 August 2017.
If you have any queries, please contact the NRS FOI Team quoting case number FOI/17/01690
24 July 2017
Dear Mr Rice
Please see the attached response from the National Records of Scotland to your recent FOI request.
3 August 2017
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