Names of hosts for DWP "schemes...collectively referred to as "workfare""
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Further to today's Court of Appeal ruling*, that dismissed the DWP 3rd appeal, with regards disclosing the names of hosts (employers/charities/businesses/public authorities etc) of your Mandatory Work Activity scheme ("MWA"), Work Experience and the Work Programme ("WP") schemes. Please disclose all the names of said hosts you hold in connection to this ruling.
* Department for Work And Pensions v The Information Commissioner & Zola [2016] EWCA Civ 758 (27 July 2016)
Cite as: [2016] EWCA Civ 758
"The FOIA requests with which this appeal is concerned relate to three of
the appellant's employment schemes, the Mandatory Work Activity scheme ("MWA"),
Work Experience and the Work Programme ("WP"). These schemes and other similar
schemes are often collectively referred to as "workfare"."
Yours faithfully,
Frank Zola
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Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Clarified request:
Further to today's Court of Appeal ruling*, that dismissed the DWP 3rd appeal, with regards disclosing the names of hosts (employers/charities/businesses/public authorities etc) of your Mandatory Work Activity scheme ("MWA"), Work Experience and the Work Programme ("WP") schemes. Please disclose all the names of said hosts you hold in connection to this ruling.
In your disclosure of host names, please indicate for each unique individually named host which individual unique scheme or schemes each specific host provided placements for.
*Department for Work And Pensions v The Information Commissioner & Zola [2016] EWCA Civ 758 (27 July 2016)
Cite as: [2016] EWCA Civ 758
"The FOIA requests with which this appeal is concerned relate to three of
the appellant's employment schemes, the Mandatory Work Activity scheme ("MWA"),
Work Experience and the Work Programme ("WP"). These schemes and other similar
schemes are often collectively referred to as "workfare"."
Yours faithfully,
Frank Zola
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Please see the attached reply to your Freedom of Information request.
Yours sincerely
DWP Strategy FoI team
Dear DWP Strategy Freedom of Information,
This request was asking for names of a number of schemes collectively known as "workfare", you have only released some of the names that the Judgement relates to. My request of 27/7/16 said:
"Clarified request:
Further to today's Court of Appeal ruling*, that dismissed the DWP 3rd appeal, with regards disclosing the names of hosts (employers/charities/businesses/public authorities etc) of your Mandatory Work Activity scheme ("MWA"), Work Experience and the Work Programme ("WP") schemes. Please disclose all the names of said hosts you hold in connection to this ruling.
In your disclosure of host names, please indicate for each unique individually named host which individual unique scheme or schemes each specific host provided placements for.
*Department for Work And Pensions v The Information Commissioner & Zola [2016] EWCA Civ 758 (27 July 2016)
Cite as: [2016] EWCA Civ 758
"The FOIA requests with which this appeal is concerned relate to three of
the appellant's employment schemes, the Mandatory Work Activity scheme ("MWA"),
Work Experience and the Work Programme ("WP"). These schemes and other similar
schemes are often collectively referred to as "workfare"."
Yours sincerely,
Frank Zola
Richard Taylor left an annotation ()
The response to this request has been cited in articles at:
Frank Zola left an annotation ()
Easier to read list:
of these Mandatory Work Activity (MWA) workfare exploiters and the original FOI request of 2012:
Blog post and resources on this disclosure of MWA exploiters:
500+ abusers of workfare conscripts named and shamed – as in the public interest.
Another win: 4-year legal battle finally reveals workfare exploiters!
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Department for Work and Pensions's handling of my FOI request 'Names of hosts for DWP "schemes...collectively referred to as "workfare""'.
You did not release all the information requested
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Frank Zola
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been accepted by the DWP FoI mailbox.
By the next working day your request will be forwarded to the relevant
information owner within the Department who will respond to you direct.
If your email is a Freedom of Information request you can normally
expect a response within 20 working days.
Should you have any further queries in connection with this request do
please contact us.
For further information on the Freedom of Information Act within DWP
please click on the link below.
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Richard Taylor left an annotation ()
At the time this request was receiving national media coverage, in August 2016, Sainsbury's asked us at WhatDoTheyKnow to remove their name from the list of companies released in response to this request.
Sainsbury's has pointed us to their press release at:
which states:
"Following approaches at local level, a small number of our stores did participate in the government's Work Experience programme but this was not company policy."
Richard - volunteer
Frank Zola left an annotation ()
If the information from the DWP saying Sainbury's provided workfare placements is incorrect (doubtful).
they should contact DWP to issue a retraction, rather than getting a 2012 press release linked to on wdtk.
The names of workfare hosting employers came from DWP providers and not aware of any reason for those named not be based on compulsory workfare conscription or lose benefits.
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Frank Zola left an annotation ()
Disclosure of info for FOI requests relates only to what existed at the time of the FOI request being lodged, for the list above that was 25 January 2012. Or as the DWP states "PROVIDERS FOR MWA DURING THE REQUESTED PERIOD"