Dear Ms Norman,
Please see the attached PDF documents in reply to your request for information
Yours sincerely,
Richard Kindleysides
Freedom of I...
Dear Ms Fitt,
Please accept the attached PDF document in response to your request for information. Although referenced in the response letter, I have...
Dear Mr Johnson,
Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for
Please also accept our apologies for the delay...
Dear Ms Beale,
Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for information.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Kindleysides
Freedom of In...
Dear Mr Perry,
Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for information.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Kindleysides
Freedom of Infor...
Dear Mr Henderson,
Please see the attached document, which contains the Norfolk
Constabulary's response to your recent Freedom of Information requ...
Dear Mr Swain,
In reply to your request for information, the following advice has been received from the Constabulary's Human Resources Department.
Dear Mr Smedley,
Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for recorded information held by the Norfolk Constabulary.
Yours since...
Dear Mr Perry,
Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing you with the attached response.
Yours sincerely
Richard Kindleysides
Dear Mr Walker
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: FOI 502/08
I write in connection with your request for information, which has been
Dear Mr Johnson,
Please accept the attached PDF in response to your request for information
Yours sincerely
Richard Kindleysides
Freedom of Inform...
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambrid...
Dear 'Independent Police Support Group'
Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for information
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of In...
Dear Ms Shrive
I attach a response to your e-mail of 13 July 2009 which was addressed to DPTAC.
Julie Shrive
mailto:[FOI #14538 ema...
Dear Mr. Anim,
Please find attached a response to your recent enquiry to HM Treasury.
With regards,
<<10-8 reply.pdf>> <<ICO - How to make an FoI...
Dear Mr Old
Freedom of Information Request Reference N^o: FOI 082/09
I write in connection with your request for information received by the
Dear Mr Cross
Find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information request.
Kind Regards
Data Access and Compliance Unit.
<<FOI 696...
Dear Mr Dewsbury
Freedom of Information Request Reference N^o: FOI 225/09
I write in connection with your request for information received by t...
Dear Mr Plough,
Freedom of Information Request Reference N^o: FOI 374/09
I write in connection with your request for information received by th...
Dear Mr Goodge,
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Sarah Waterfield
Lead Adviser – Access to Informa...
Dear Ms Shrive
Further to my earlier e-mail I attach a copy of the guidance note from the Information Commissioner's Office on how to make a Freedom o...
Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry.
Paul Morran | Information Rights Unit | 2/SW, 1 Horse Guards Road, SW1A 2HQ
Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry.
Paul Morran | Information Rights Unit | 2/SW, 1 Horse Guards Road, SW1A
Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry.
Paul Morran | Information Rights Unit
HM Treasury, 2/SW, 1 Horse Guards Road, SW1A 2HQ
Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry.
Paul Morran | Information Rights Unit | 2/SW, 1 Horse Guards Road, SW1A 2HQ