Nacro Resettlement Helpline

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Paul Barker, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Dear National Offender Management Service,

Could you please provide me with copies of all contracts, agreements and other documentation which covers the Nacro Resettlement Helpline, which is funded by NOMS.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Barker

Hassan, Mosun, HM Prison & Probation Service

Freedom of Information Request FOI/67039/10

Data Access & Compliance Unit
Information Directorate
Zone 6 B
Post point 6.25
102 Petty France

F 020 3334 2245
E [email address]

07-SEP-10 Our Ref:FOI/67039/10

Dear Mr Barker,

SUBJECT: Freedom of Information Request

Thank you for your correspondence of September 2, 2010, in which you
asked for information relating to Nacro Resettlement Helpline under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) from the Ministry of Justice

You will receive a response from us by September 30, 2010. Your request
has been passed to the appropriate business unit within the MoJ, and
they will write to you with their decision by this date.

The FOIA does provide a number of exemptions. A qualified exemption
requires that before relying on it we must consider the public interest
test. If the information you have requested is covered by a qualified
exemption(s) under FOIA, the Department is allowed to take longer than
20 working days to respond. This is because in such circumstances we are
required to consider the public interest issues when deciding whether or
not to disclose the information requested.

If more time is needed to consider the public interest issues under a
qualified exemption(s), we will write to you and inform you of the
revised date you can expect to receive a response to your request.

If you have any queries regarding this request please do not hesitate to
contact us. Please quote ref: FOI/67039/10 in all future correspondence.

Yours sincerely,

Mosun Hassan
Data Access and Compliance Unit

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Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.

Djedje, Irene [NOMS],

3 Attachments

Dear Mr. Barker,

Please find attached your response to the FOI request to the Ministry of

<<Final Response.doc>> <<NACRO Grant Agreement final - helpline
specific.doc>> <<Helpline Annual Report 2009-10 (12 month final).doc>>


Irene Djedje
Procurement Systems Executive Assistant | Compliance Unit | Ministry of
Justice Procurement
2nd Floor Clive House
70 Petty France

Tel: 0300 047 5920
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or
recorded for legal purposes.

Dear Djedje, Irene [NOMS],

Please could you provide me with copies of any documentation or report, or any other deliverable, produced using the grant or grant in aid from the Ministry of Justice, as per clause 21.2 in the grant agreement with Nacro for central administrative costs and programme project costs document dated 1st April 2010.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Barker

Djedje, Irene [NOMS],

Hello Mr Barker,

Could you please submit your request through the correct channel which
is the Data Access and Compliance Unit using the following email
address; [NOMS request email].

Irene Djedje

show quoted sections

Justice Procurement
2nd Floor Clive House
70 Petty France

Tel: 0300 047 5920
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections