MVL Transaction Rate Cut

Post Office Limited did not have the information requested.

Dear Post Office Limited,

On the 12th April 2013, the General Secretary of the NFSP wrote to Postmasters and in his letter he informed them that the rate currently paid to Postmasters for the issuing of MVL Tax discs was to be reduced, can you confirm that this statement is correct and if so when can Postmasters expect the new lower rate to apply? Can you also confirm if those Post Office Branches who currently are remunerated using the Assigned Office Payment method are to receive a review of this payment, or will their AOP remain unaltered for this current financial year?

I should add I am having to make this request as one of your officials has refused to answer these two questions in direct correspondence.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Baker

FOIA, Post Office Limited

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Baker,


Please find attached the acknowledgement to your Freedom of Information


Yours sincerely,


Kerry Moodie I Information Rights Team Leader


1^st Floor, Old Street Wing, 148 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HQ

020 7250 2647

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FOIA, Post Office Limited

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Baker,


Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information Request.


Yours sincerely,


Kerry Moodie I Information Rights Team Leader


1^st Floor, Old Street Wing, 148 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HQ

020 7250 2647

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Dear Post Office Ltd

Thank you for your partial response, however one of my questions was misinterpreted by yourself, I did ask if you could confirm if the rate you pay Postmasters for MVL work is to be reduced as claimed by the General Secretary of the NFSP, can you confirm if this is true yes or no, if yes when do you propose to introduce the change?

Yours sincerely,

Mark Baker

FOIA, Post Office Limited

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Baker,


Please find a response attached to your Freedom of Information request.




Kerry Moodie I Information Rights Team Leader


1^st Floor, Old Street Wing, 148 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HQ

020 7250 2647

[2]Footer 5


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