Multi functional print devices and Software
Dear Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust,
I would like to make a request for the following information relating to the authority's current Multi-Functional Devices and printing/scanning services contract(s)
1. What services are included in the contract(s)? (e.g. printing vs scanning etc) 2. Which supplier is delivering them? (If in-house, please confirm or if multiple provider please identify them) 3. How many contracts does this entail and what's the award value for each?
4. When do these contracts expire and do they have any extensions?
5. What is the annual volumetric data (split by Annual Mono and Annual Colour print)?
6. What is the total number of devices supplied?
7. What Managed Print Service software solution do you use?
8. How many Mono MFDs and Colour MFDs do you have?
9. What document management solution do you use?
10. What High Volume printing devices do you use?
11. Were any framework agreements used to procure the goods/services? If so, which ones?
12. Any documentation you can provide me with, e.g. the order form 13. What department is managing the contract and who's the decision-maker?
14. How many Adobe Acrobat (standard, professional and reader) licenses do you have?
15. What is the annual cost?
16. When is the renewal date?
17. Who is responsible for the contract?
18. Do you use any other PDF editing tools?
Yours faithfully,
Toby Edwards
Your request for information may be delayed due to urgent operational
response to dealing with Public Health priorities. We apologies for any
inconvenience this may cause, we do remain committed to responding to your
request as soon as we are able. Should our response to your request
breach the statutory time frame and you remain unhappy with our response
you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office and
you can contact them at [1] or call 0303 123 1113
Dear Toby
Thank-you for your email received on 7^th July 2023 requesting information
which has been processed under the Freedom of Information Act. Your
request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of this
Act. I can confirm that the Trust is holding records that are relevant to
your enquiry.
Request Response
I would like to make a request for 1. Managed Print Service - Computer
the following information relating Hardware Acc. Printer
to the authority's current Multifunctional Printer/Copier
Multi-Functional Devices and Maintenance & Repair
printing/scanning services 2. Ricoh
contract(s) 3. 1 Contract – £ 280 000 per annum
4. 31/03/2024 – No option to extend.
5. 10 000 000 – Mono 2 000 000 -
1. What services are included in the 6. 271
contract(s)? (e.g. printing vs 7. Equitrac
scanning etc) 8. 271 Not Sure on the split
2. Which supplier is delivering 10. Synertec
them? (If in-house, please confirm 11. Yes, KCS - Y17035 - Supply of
or if multiple provider please Multi-functional Devices and
identify them) Document Solutions, Digital
Duplicators, Print Room Equipment
3. How many contracts does this & Managed Print Services
entail and what's the award value Framework
for each? 12. None
13. IT Dept. Sam Gallagher Head of IT
4. When do these contracts expire Operations
and do they have any extensions? 14. 7 x Acrobat Pro, 2 x Adobe
Captivate, 11 x Creative Cloud
5. What is the annual volumetric All Apps
data (split by Annual Mono and 15. £9,108.09 per Annum
Annual Colour print)? 16. 30th October 2023
17. Beth Bartholomew, Deputy Head of
6. What is the total number of Sourcing, Sam Gallagher –
devices supplied? Operational Lead
18. No
7. What Managed Print Service
software solution do you use?
8. How many Mono MFDs and Colour
MFDs do you have?
9. What document management solution
do you use?
10. What High Volume printing
devices do you use?
11. Were any framework agreements
used to procure the goods/services?
If so, which ones?
12. Any documentation you can
provide me with, e.g. the order form
13. What department is managing the
contract and who's the
14. How many Adobe Acrobat
(standard, professional and reader)
licenses do you have?
15. What is the annual cost?
16. When is the renewal date?
17. Who is responsible for the
18. Do you use any other PDF editing
I trust that this information provides you with a suitable response to
your enquiry. If not and you feel that your request has not been
satisfactorily answered, then the Trust has an internal review procedure
for dealing with complaints received under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 whereby your case is presented to the Chairman for an independent
review/decision. Alternatively, you do have the right to complain to the
Information Commissioners Office after any internal review procedure has
been exhausted. The Information Commissioners Office is an independent
body that enforces the Freedom of Information Act, the General Data
Protection Regulation and the Environmental Information regulations. The
address of the Information Commissioner is Information Commissioners
Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
me again.
Julie Clark
FOI Co-ordinator
Information Governance
Health Informatics Service (E5)
Apley House
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Combe Park, Bath, BA1 3NG
If you are sending any confidential or sensitive data an email
address must be used by both parties
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