MPTS concealing GMC false accusations at FTP hearings
Dear General Medical Council,
RE: GMC MPTS concealing GMC false accusations at FTP hearings
Please can you provide agreements or documents, including legal opinions, between the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) and General Medical Council (GMC) in relation to the increasing practice of not publishing or formally documenting erroneous accusations by the GMC prosecution at Interim Order Tribunals and, Medical Practitioners Tribunals. To help with expected clarification request, for example but not restricted to; verbal GMC-false-accusations such as factitious arrests / convictions / experiences / events / regulations or breaking-conditions… when made by the General Medical Council. As this appears almost always removed from any written output of any case, including both private and public outcome documents where it is clear the GMC were at fault/deceptive and it has been a significant discussion / incident point during a (recorded!!!) hearing. Please can you provide agreements or documents, including legal opinions for this common occurrence, to selectively remove the related written text in determinations, findings or summary by the MPTS. This is in general and not specific to any case but you may judge some of the specific cases merit disclosures due to the way legal opinions are made.
REQUEST; Please can you provide agreements or documents, including legal opinions, between the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service and General Medical Council; in relation to general concealing / omitting / discounting / not publishing or formally documenting erroneous accusations by the GMC prosecution at Interim Order Tribunals and Medical Practitioners Tribunals.
I look forward to your response within 20 working days as outlined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 statute.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Ali
Thank you for getting in touch. Please note this is an automated email.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can with a further acknowledgement.
You’ll usually hear from us on the next working day, but it might take a
little longer during busy periods.
In the meantime, if you want any further information about the GMC, please
visit our website.
Thank you
Information Access team
General Medical Council
Email: [GMC request email]
Working with doctors Working for patients
The General Medical Council helps to protect patients and improve medical
education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and
doctors. We support them in achieving (and exceeding) those standards, and
take action when they are not met.
Dear Dr Ali,
Your information request – IR1-3092755466
Thank you for your email dated 13 June, in which you ask for agreements or
documents, including legal opinions, between the Medical Practitioners
Tribunal Service (MPTS) and General Medical Council (GMC) in relation to
the increasing practice of not publishing or formally documenting
erroneous accusations by the GMC prosecution at Interim Order Tribunals
and, Medical Practitioners Tribunals.
How we will consider your request
We’re going to look at your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (FOIA). This gives us 20 working days to respond but we’ll come back
to you as soon as we can.
Who to contact
Simon Willis will be handling your request. If you have any questions you
can contact him via email at [1][email address].
Yours sincerely
Lauren Barrowcliffe
Information Access Team Assistant
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
M3 3AW
Dear Dr Ali,
Thank you for your email of 13 June 2021. I’ve considered your request
under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You have asked as follows:
“REQUEST; Please can you provide agreements or documents, including legal
opinions, between the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service and General
Medical Council; in relation to general concealing / omitting /
discounting / not publishing or formally documenting erroneous accusations
by the GMC prosecution at Interim Order Tribunals and Medical
Practitioners Tribunals.”
Our established disclosure policies outline our approach to publishing
Fitness to Practise proceedings and outcomes.
The information about a doctor’s fitness to practise is published in
accordance with our ‘Publication and Disclosure policy’
and Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) adhere to their
‘Guidance on Redacting Records of Determinations’
when preparing the document for publication following a hearing.
I hope you find this information useful.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Willis
Information Access Officer
Resources Directorate
From: FOI
Sent: 15 June 2021 15:46
To: '[FOI #764757 email]'
<[FOI #764757 email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - MPTS concealing GMC false
accusations at FTP hearings
Dear Dr Ali,
Your information request – IR1-3092755466
Thank you for your email dated 13 June, in which you ask for agreements or
documents, including legal opinions, between the Medical Practitioners
Tribunal Service (MPTS) and General Medical Council (GMC) in relation to
the increasing practice of not publishing or formally documenting
erroneous accusations by the GMC prosecution at Interim Order Tribunals
and, Medical Practitioners Tribunals.
How we will consider your request
We’re going to look at your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (FOIA). This gives us 20 working days to respond but we’ll come back
to you as soon as we can.
Who to contact
Simon Willis will be handling your request. If you have any questions you
can contact him via email at [3][email address].
Yours sincerely
Lauren Barrowcliffe
Information Access Team Assistant
[4][email address]
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
M3 3AW
Dear Mr Willis (0161 923 6310),
RE: MPTS concealing GMC false accusations at FTP hearings, IR1-3092755466
Thank you for considering the case and the information so far. The information provided is not relevant to my request but it is good to see there is some protection for patient/doctor’s health information but ironically supports publication of information that is embarrassing to a doctor due to reputation or strength of evidence. The latter, in relation to my request, can be argued includes embarrassing information to the GMC which is currently censored as it supports the strength of a doctors evidence, not just weak evidence from a doctor. The GMC publishes under the power to disclose information about doctors’ fitness to practise on the basis of public interest, this power is set out in section 35B(2) of the Medical Act 1983.
However, my request is about embarrassing information for the GMC and MPTS with the MPTS concealing GMC's false accusations at FTP hearings. Whom as joint publishers remove embarrassing information when transcripts/recording/notes would indicate this clearly should not have occurred. The information is clearly relevant to a FTP finding but is also very embarrassing for the GMC (regardless of how subtle), in GMC being found to be dishonest themselves during a hearing. It is double standards but when GMC deceit, lack of probity by the GMC has an impact on an outcome for a doctor FTP, when it is clearly in the Public interest for that information to be published. Further, often has an adverse impact on the health of practitioners in not publishing the information, this then has a negative impact upon the profession.
My request is: Please can you provide agreements or documents, including legal opinions (ultimately paid by doctors including me), between the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service and General Medical Council; in relation to general concealing / omitting / discounting / not publishing or formally documenting erroneous accusations by the GMC prosecution at Interim Order Tribunals and Medical Practitioners Tribunals.
I am not asking for change, but information to understand the current arrangement as I am not fully aware.
If you are refusing to provide the information then please say so. If the information/policy is not in a form that is publishable, due to being word of mouth or, aggregation of high court actions against the MPTS, or more subtle like not re-employing particular members of staff if the information is not removed then I can understand, but you should indicate so.
Please as expected, escalate to an internal review, I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Ali
Dear S Ali,
Thank you for your email dated 24 June.
We will be considering your email as a Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOIA) appeal. We have a target response time of 20 working days. We will
endeavour to respond to you within this timeframe.
Julian Graves will be handling your request. If you have any questions you
can contact him via email at [1][email address].
Yours sincerely
Lauren Barrowcliffe
Information Access Team Assistant
[2][email address]
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
M3 3AW
Dear Lauren Barrowcliffe, GMC FOI assistant,
A request was made on the 13 June 2021 with a full reply expected before 9 July 2021. Although auto-acknowledgements were immediate, you acknowledged 15th June. You colleague Simon Willis attempted a tangential response on the 24th June about the publication and redaction policies which do not address this frequent action of Omission/Concealing (and apparent collusion by the GMC which ‘is’ a non-independent organisation to the MPTS, to any sensible person). I requested an internal review 24 June for which you acknowledge 28 June. I would appreciate a response by 26 July 2021 prior to expected need for escalation due to refusal. Please re-read the initial request and direct to your seniors as needed.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Ali
Dear Dr Ali
Please find attached my response to your appeal.
Yours sincerely
Julian Graves
Julian Graves
Information Access Manager
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester M3 3AW
Tel. no: 0161 923 6351
Email: [1][email address]
Working with doctors Working for patients
The General Medical Council helps to protect patients and improve medical
education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and
doctors. We support them in achieving (and exceeding) those standards, and
take action when they are not met.
Dear Julian Graves (0161 923 6351),
RE: Complaint of MPTS concealing GMC false accusations at FTP hearings
Thank you for your email and attachment on behalf of the GMC and MPTS (one organisation). You highlight that the above information is not held by the GMC or the MPTS. It concludes the FOI background step. I request this is now treated as a complaint.
Information you have provided does raise the very serious concern, why is this apparent concealing behaviour being done by the MPTS on behalf of the GMC, if there has been no such agreement. The behaviour would not be reciprocated with the defendant/doctor (where there is documentation that such action cannot occur regardless of embarrassment). The prosecution and defence are not treated equally which makes MPTS Tribunals very much a farce. My personal opinion is that the MPTS functions should be expunged from the GMC and set in a separate independent cross-professional organisation but you cannot do anything about that and the GMC will not. It may be that the Professional Standards Authority or another body such as the Parliamentary and health Service Ombudsman would be the appropriate group to raise concerns to. However, due process needs to be followed before such steps are taken.
I would like to complain about the above process/actions, of the MPTS concealing information and, the MPT not treating the defence and prosecution equally. I understand the response is likely non-specific or their will be a refusal to the complaint. I thus seek advice as to whom / where post-complaint outcome should be directed, as the complaint is not about individual cases but institutional Fitness to Practice behaviour against all doctors (with an increase against those from Black and Asian communities from information available to me).
Yours sincerely,
Dr Ali
Dear Dr Ali
Your email has been passed to me as you wish to find out how to make a complaint about the MPTS.
You can do so in two ways. You can read our complaints section on the MPTS website which sets out how to do this - if you follow that link, all the information is provided.
Alternatively, you may wish to contact the Professional Standards Authority. All the information about how to contact the Professional Standards Authority can be found using the following link
I hope this information is helpful.
Yours sincerely
Dawn Magill
Tribunals Manager
The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS), St James’s Buildings, 79 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6FQ
Email: [email address]
Telephone: 0161 240 7101
Dear Dawn Magill (0161 240 7101),
Thank you for your previous August 2021 email in response to me actually making a complaint. Full open and candid details of the complaint can be found on:
Please can you provide the final outcome document for the complaint, if possible also highlight any reflections and good practice your organisation has since implemented.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Ali
I am out of the office and return on Tuesday 4 January 2022. If your
enquiry is urgent please contact [email address]. Please note
that your email will not be forwarded.
Dawn Magill
Tribunals Manager
Dear Dr Ali
Thank you for your email dated the 3 January 2022 to my colleague Dawn Magill. So, I can respond to you as fully as I can, some further information would be helpful.
In your most recent email to the MPTS (03/01/2022 to D Magill) you refer to two links and note that details of your complaint can be found at those places. Those links share responses from other individuals, including from the FOI team at the GMC.
Would you be able to list the outstanding concerns that you have so that I can consider these for you and provide a response? This will also assist me in signposting you to the next stage of the complaints processes for any matters which have already been responded to.
My contact details are listed below, I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Yours sincerely
Lucy Robinson (she/her)
Tribunals Manager
Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service
7th Floor, St James's Buildings
79 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6FQ
Tel no: 0161 240 7288
Email: [email address]
Dear Lucy Robinson,
Thank you for your email, there is only one theme in this complaint; The MPTS concealing GMC false accusations at FTP hearings. That is the complaint, the links provide further information and it is not a request for signposting.
The complaint is in relation to the generic MPTS Hearing output behaviour of selectively habitually concealing GMC prosecuting false accusations, factoids and plain lies. This is bad practice and the GMC are increasingly taking advantage of this, as part of their prosecution tactic. The complaint is about the MPTS concealing GMC false accusations at most FTP hearings, it is not in relation to any one hearing although you clearly have to look at the hearings individually to see the almost generic action.
This is whilst regarding the same type of issues, if it was to occur with the Defense then it has to be noted and published, where the GMC may then seek further investigation and sanction. Given the disproportionate approach, I realise the MPTS panel cannot act against its GMC employer but it still should correctly document, which increasingly appears not happening over several years. An apparent lack of commitment to transparency about processes and decisions appears present. The FOI request I had previously sent as links to you provide open and transparent related exploration.
I do not feel I need to tell you what Equality does and should mean, the prosecution and defense are not treated equally which as it is not happening. Having discussed such actions with other doctors, on behalf of all doctors past and present whom have been at the MPTS, I request the MPTS urgently take action and ideally document its action / instructions to MPT panels, openly and transparently for any doctor to see. If it pleases you, you can substitute this email as the complaint.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Ali
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S. Ali left an annotation ()
I notice the change in address above, given horrible nature of the organisation that is unfit to practice/for purpose, here is a long self-defence for the potential tribunal :
#BlackLivesMatter Public Interest Defence for this FOI request as the GMC probably will retaliate and start yet another FTP investigation. On the basis they consider themselves as the profession, doctors should not challenge them regardless of lip-service but without challenge they will not change. The GMC do not work flexibly with doctors but discriminate and are adversarial with doctors unless you are white and privileged.
#Whistleblowing The GMC is fully aware of its actions when it takes action against certain whistleblowing doctors as explored by GMC-commissioned independent report from Judge Hooper.
The GMC are actively and willingly used as tools against whistle-blowers and doctors with a certain natural background. The GMC are racist given both history and race disparity ratios of HEE and GMC (statistics), they often lower the investigation threshold to non-existent and thus both discriminatory and appear retaliatory to Black and Asian doctors. This increasingly appears ridiculous and clearly an organisation not fit for purpose, when you consider the GMC refusing to investigate concerns I raised and not limited to: a Shipman version 2.0 with at least 16 known deaths and, a white CHDA/ATOS/Maximus Responsible Officer whom has actively and possibly illegally (as unsanctioned by DWP) systematically removed medical disability financial benefits from thousands of the public (all races) whom were initially reported as disabled by professionals, to meet corporate targets and profits. But I did complain against white privileged doctors which is insinuated constantly as not allowed (especially given my background, as a particular GMC QC might want to repeatedly obtusely point out in a derogatory terse) regardless of the public interest concern.
Just in case there is confusion of the multitude of ways the GMC misuses MPTS such as doctors’ reflections. The following in the popular public domain is VERY-separate: Separately the 2018 Williams review following the case of Dr Bawa-Garba, central recommendation was that ‘the General Medical Council should have its right to appeal fitness to practise decisions by its Medical Practitioner Tribunal Service removed.’ As the GMC gets repeated chances to make findings against doctors undermining/schooling the MPTS, the GMC are clearly misusing its discretionary powers at a rate of over 10 times that of the Professional Standard Authority (PSA) whom have the same powers considering the same cases (which is extra unfair on defendants). The difference is that when the GMC appeals its own decision, the GMC and the MPTS cannot defend a decision as it could (unlikely) with the PSA - which is, also unfair to the defendant (defendant being treated 'guilty until proven innocent' + lip service hence allegation publishing on MPTS website). Interestingly I am currently not aware of any cases where both the GMC and PSA appealed the same case to the High Court.
The above, compounds the existence of this negligent ‘false-accusation concealing’ process I highlight in this FOI request. This is a concern to doctors/profession as the GMC misuses the MPTS already within its hearings due to a lack of integrity and transparency actions like this, are not published and without the recordings are not easily taken to the high court due to cost, reputations and defendants/doctors wanting to get on with their lives. The GMC in not allowing doctors (contrary to ECHR) to have a fair trial or increasingly [sic] prevent pursuing non-medical careers, does mean increasingly more doctors cannot openly explore big bad GMC practices. The GMC and MPTS are not independent or fit for purpose. The processes are designed to traumatise, cause mental health issues and unfortunately increasingly appears designed to lead to removal of doctors including with suicide.
#MedicalEthics Principals of medical ethics include Autonomy, Beneficence, Candour/honesty, Dignity/confidentiality, Equality/justice, and non-maleficence (do no harm). Consideration of these, is part of my public interest defence in making a request, due to the probability that the GMC will seek to punish me, with a further abstract Fitness To Practice Investigation. To repeat, GMC FTP processes are and can be used to undermine doctors, cause suicides or mental health problems by the GMC as a tool. Similar advance processes are used by HEE in an anti-whistleblowing policy against HCPs (highlighted under PIDA in 2014 and 2015 but ignored by the GMC 2017 which allowed HEE to continue blacklisting) the mechanism (not disclosed here but the GMC have evidence of it) obviously undermine appraisals/revalidation (and led to earlier protection of Shipman 2.0 which is ironic as it shows the GMCs abuse of introducing this Dame Smith recommendation (blah blah X shipman report) with that excuse was always known to be wrong). The GMC do-not-work-flexibly with doctors but discriminate and are adversarial unless, it appears you are white and privileged. The majority of those at the GMC are not doctors and further given double-standards, they refuse to apply their own guidance to their own staff. Despite recent efforts by the GMC chair and CEO, to apply some medical ethics, even highlighting racism at the GMC, we are fully aware most of those in the GMC do not care and this FOI request will be unlikely to succeed due to the lack of transparency and unwillingness to change. But better to try, then say/do nothing at all.