MPhil Economics: Selected Exam Papers, Mark Schemes and Examiner Reports

The request was refused by University of Oxford.

Dear University of Oxford,

I would like to request past exam papers, mark schemes and examiners reports for the following modules for the MPhil Economics course from the year 2010 (or where the course began after 2010, from the earliest available year greater than 2010) to the most recent year available.

Year 1 courses:
* Core Microeconomics
* Core Macroeconomics
* Core Econometrics

Year 2 courses:
* Advanced Microeconomics
* Advanced Econometrics
* Advanced Mathematics (prior to and including 2021-22) / Further Mathematical Methods (after and including 2022-23)
* Industrial Organisation
* Labour Economics
* Foundations of Machine Learning (where available; I believe the course first ran in 2021-22)

Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further clarification is required. Thank you very much for your time.

Yours faithfully,

John Smith

Dear University of Oxford,

Can you please confirm if you have received the request with a reply to the effect of "Thank you for your freedom of information request to the University of Oxford. Subject to any clarification required, the University will reply to your request within the statutory deadline of 20 working days, starting from the day after receipt of your request"? Thanks!

Yours faithfully,
John Smith

FOI, University of Oxford

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Yours sincerely


FOI Oxford



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