Motorcycles and Vision Zero

Marcus Houlden made this Freedom of Information request to Leeds City Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Leeds City Council,

Please provide details of how your implementation of the Vision Zero road safety initiative applies to motorcycles. This should include schemes to improve the safety of motorcyclists, risk assessments for schemes to improve the safety of other road users that may affect motorcycles, and details of any policies to discourage motorcycle use in the interests of safety.

Yours faithfully,

Marcus Houlden

Leeds City Council

Dear Marcus Houlden,

Re: Environmental Information Regulations Request MUHEN9N5K 

I refer to your request to the council received on 16/07/2024 for the

Dear Leeds City Council, Please provide details of how your implementation
of the Vision Zero road safety initiative applies to motorcycles. This
should include schemes to improve the safety of motorcyclists, risk
assessments for schemes to improve the safety of other road users that may
affect motorcycles, and details of any policies to discourage motorcycle
use in the interests of safety.

We will respond to your request in accordance with the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004, within 20 working days, from the day after
your request was received. We will therefore aim to respond to your
request by 13/08/2024.

For reference, Leeds City Council publish a wealth of information which
you can access at: Welcome to LEEDS.GOV.UK - Leeds City Council  and Data
Mill North – Open Data for the North of England .

If your request for information is considered and deemed as a 'business as
usual' request, it will be responded to by the appropriate Service within
the Council.

If you have questions about this request, please contact us at
[Leeds City Council request email].

Yours sincerely,

Esther Riches

Information Management and Governance,
Integrated Digital Services

Leeds City Council

Dear Marcus Houlden,


Re: Environmental Information Regulations Request MUHEN9N5K.


I refer to your correspondence to the council and your request for the


Please provide details of how your implementation of the Vision Zero road
safety initiative applies to motorcycles. This should include schemes to
improve the safety of motorcyclists.


Vision Zero seeks to reduce and prevent injury collisions on its network,
through a data led approach. At the present time, reactive road safety
interventions are identified for funding consideration via Police injury
collision data. This data then helps identify length and sites of concerns
which have a greater injury collision record that the Department for
Transports national average. Each location is then reviewed on a
site-by-site basis, looking into each collision at greater depth, this
would involve reviewing the type of vehicles involves, causation factors,
any patterns to the collisions, which ultimately leads to recommended
engineering, educational or enforcement intervention. 


Leeds also conducts ‘cluster’ site reviews across all of its highway
network, which may identify if there have been 3 or more motorcycle or
cycle collisions at a bend, in the dark, within 50m of each other etc.
This data review also enables sites of concerns to be identified, so that
measures can be considered.


Risk assessments for schemes to improve the safety of other road users
that may affect motorcycles.


All road improvements proposals should have a road ‘safety audits’ which
is undertaken in 4 parts from conception to the completion of a project
and post monitoring. This process independently reviews and challenges the
proposed design, where the safety auditors consider the implication for
all road users, including motorcyclists. 


Details of any policies to discourage motorcycle use in the interests of


Leeds City Council do not have any polices on this


I trust that this response is satisfactory. Under Regulation 11, however,
you are entitled to make representations to us if it appears that we have
failed to comply with a requirement of the Regulations in relation to your
request. Representations must be made to us no later than 40 working days
after the date you believe we failed to comply with such a requirement.


We will then consider your representations and supporting evidence and
decide if we have complied, notifying you of our decision as soon as
possible, and no later than 40 working days after the date of receipt of
your representations.


Under Regulation 18, you are then entitled to apply to the Information
Commissioner for a decision as to whether, in any specified respect, your
request has not been dealt with in accordance with parts 2 and 3 of the


Should you wish to contact the Commissioner’s Office then you can contact
the Commissioner via their website at [1]


I trust that this is self-explanatory.  If you have any queries please
contact me on 0113 3784251, or by return email to [2][Leeds City Council request email].


Kind regards


Adam O’Connell

Senior Information Governance Officer

Information Request Management 

Information Management and Governance 

t: 0113 378 4251 

e: [email address]


“Information is everyone’s business and responsibility.” 


Visible links
2. mailto:[Leeds City Council request email]