Motorbikes in Bus Lanes Trial

The request was successful.

Dear Leeds City Council,

In 2019 the Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth Scrutiny Board recommended that the Director of City Development implements a trial for motorcycle access to bus lanes in partnership with Motorcycle Action Group representatives. Please provide copies of all available emails, meeting minutes, documents, reports and other items related to implementing this recommendation.

Yours faithfully,

Marcus Houlden

DPFOI, Leeds City Council

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Yours sincerely
Information Management & Governance – Requests Team




The Future of Leeds Parks
[4]Have your say on how our parks and green spaces should be managed for
the next ten years. Consultation open until 29 February 2020.

[5]Glide your way into 2020 at Ice Cube!
Yorkshire’s coolest wintertime attraction returns to Millennium Square
from Friday 31 January until Sunday 23 February with a covered outdoor ice
rink, a cosy visitor café, together with a range of themed rides and


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IMG.Requests, Leeds City Council

Good afternoon,

Freedom of information request Ref 262333 : Motorbikes in Bus Lanes Trial

Thank you for your request for the above information which we received on 19 February 2020. We will respond to your request in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Your request has been assigned to one of our officers who will arrange a response within the appropriate statutory time limit.

Please remember to quote reference number FOI 262333 in any future communications.

Yours sincerely,
Marta Kapica
Information Governance Assistant
Leeds City Council

-----Original Message-----:[FOI #648070 email]
From: Marcus Houlden [mailto]
Sent: 19 February 2020 16:39
To: DPFOI <[Leeds City Council request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Motorbikes in Bus Lanes Trial

Dear Leeds City Council,

In 2019 the Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth Scrutiny Board recommended that the Director of City Development implements a trial for motorcycle access to bus lanes in partnership with Motorcycle Action Group representatives. Please provide copies of all available emails, meeting minutes, documents, reports and other items related to implementing this recommendation.

Yours faithfully,

Marcus Houlden


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #648070 email]

Is [Leeds City Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Leeds City Council? If so, please contact us using this form:

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Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.

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IMG.Requests, Leeds City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Marcus Houlden,

Freedom of Information Request (Ref: 262333)

I refer to the above and your request dated 19 February 2020. I have contacted the relevant services and now provide a response to your request relating to Motorbikes in Bus Lanes Trial.

In 2019 the Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth Scrutiny Board recommended that the Director of City Development implements a trial for motorcycle access to bus lanes in partnership with Motorcycle Action Group representatives. Please provide copies of all available emails, meeting minutes, documents, reports and other items related to implementing this recommendation.

Please see attached as requested.

I trust that this response is satisfactory. If however you are dissatisfied with this response you have a right to appeal to an independent officer within the council. They will re-examine your request and assess whether we have adhered to the requirements of the act. Should you wish to follow this course of action please address your concerns in writing to the above address.

You also have a right under Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act to ask the Information Commissioner to decide whether we have met with our obligations under the act. The Commissioner has however made it clear that she expects all applicants to exhaust internal appeals procedures prior to making such an application. Should you wish to contact the Commissioner's office then you can write to the following address:

Office of the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

You may also contact the Commissioner via her website at

I trust that this is self-explanatory. If you have any queries please contact me using the contact information above.

Yours sincerely

Mr Adam O'Connell
Information Governance Officer
Requests team
Information Management & Governance
Digital and Information Service
Leeds City Council

0113 37 84251

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