Mothers who commit suicide - does removing children increase the risk?

Department of Health (Northern Ireland) did not have the information requested.

Dear Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (Northern Ireland),

1. How many of the mothers who have committed suicide after having their children removed from them, by force (without consent)-

a. sought counselling prior to removal
b. did not seek counselling prior to removal
c. received counselling prior to removal
d. received counselling subsequent to removal.

2. In relation to the above question how many of those parents who committed suicide after their children were removed had their children:

a. In the temporary care of the government(up to 28 days)
b. In the permanent care of the government (at least 6 months)
c. Adopted.

3. Please could you also give me the suicide rates of mothers who have not been subject to any forced removal of their children.

I do not know how you store your data, therefore I do not know how readily this data is available but please go back for as many years as possible within the 18 hours of working on this request.

If you are able to provide me with information as to how your data is stored perhaps I can reword my request so that you are able to comply as well as possible with providing the information I need for my research.

Yours faithfully,

LS Palmer


Dear Sir/Madam

I have been informed that the information you have requested is not held in DHSSPS.

The only thing I can suggest is you may want to contact the individual five Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland.

I'm sorry we can't be more helpful on this occasion.

John McCann
Information Management Branch
Tel: 02890 528218

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