Mooring Licences on River Axe

The request was partially successful.

Dear Crown Estate,

Please provide a copy of all of the licences you have granted to lay moorings on the River Axe.


Devon Ash

Enquiries, The Crown Estate

Thank you for your email which is receiving our attention. We will get
back to you with a response as soon as we can.


If your email is a request for information, it will be handled under the
Freedom of Information Act and we will aim to provide you with a response
as soon as possible, but at least within the 20 working days specified in
the Act.

Brazier, Martin, The Crown Estate

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Ash


Thank you for your request for information which has been answered under
the Environmental Information Regulations. You asked for a copy of the
licences we have granted to lay moorings on the River Axe. I have attached
the documents within the scope of your request.


Some minor redactions have been made to the documents to remove some
personal information under an exception in section 13 of the regulations,
in that disclosure would contravene data protection principles.


Further minor redactions have been made under an exception in section
12(5)(e) because disclosure would adversely affect the confidentiality of
commercial information where such confidentiality is provided by law to
protect an economic interest.


When applying exceptions we should consider whether the public interest in
withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing
it. We understand that there is a public interest in how The Crown Estate
conducts its leasing, but the disclosure of the redacted commercial
information would disclose the amounts of rent payable. This would
prejudice The Crown Estate’s future position in similar commercial
dealings because counterparties would be aware of the sums we would be
likely to accept. As the revenue surplus of The Crown Estate goes to the
public purse, the public interest in maintaining commercially robust
outcomes in terms of future Crown Estate revenue outweighs the public
interest in making them public. Furthermore, the redactions are minor and
do not materially affect the public debate in such matters.


I should also point out that Crown Estate leases and licences are
conditional on the tenants obtaining all necessary consents and/or
licences from the appropriate statutory bodies.


If you are not satisfied with my response, you may complain or appeal our
decision, which will be investigated through an Internal Review. If you
are not content with the outcome of the Internal Review, you have the
right to refer your complaint directly to the Information Commissioner for
a decision. Please note that the Information Commissioner cannot make a
decision unless you have first exhausted our own complaints procedure.



Martin Brazier
Knowledge Manager


1 St James's Market, London, SW1Y 4AH
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7851 5259
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