Monthly Performance Pack
Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,
Please furnish me with a copy of the Monthly Performance Pack for the last 3 years and also the 10 day report.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Nath
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as detailed in your email below. Your request was received on 02/01/2016. We will deal with your request as promptly as possible, and at the latest within 20 working days. If you have any queries about your request, please contact us at the address below.
The reference number for your request is RFI20160005.
Kind regards
The Information Policy & Compliance Team
BBC Freedom of Information
BC2 B6, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Email: [email address]
Tel: 020 8008 2882
Dear Nath
Please find attached the response to your requests for information,
references RFI20160005, RFI20160006 & RFI20160007.
Kind regards
BBC Workplace and Information Rights
BC2 A4, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7T
Dear FOI Enquiries,
My real name is Nathan Gregory
I have two other requests as well, please use it for those two requests as well.
Yours sincerely,
Dear FOI Enquiries,
Real name is Nathan Gregory, same for all 3 requests
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Gregory
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20160005.
Kind regards
BBC Workplace and Information Rights
BC2 A4, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7T
Dear FOI Enquiries,
When will a response arrive please? This is long overdue according to the law.
Yours sincerely,
Dear FOI Enquiries,
Why did I not get a reply to my last email of 21st March? When will this information be forthcoming?
Yours sincerely,
Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of British Broadcasting Corporation's handling of my FOI request 'Monthly Performance Pack'.
I have not had the information yet, the request was the beginning of January making this nearly 4 months! And my last email chasing this of 21st March was ignored.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Dear Nath,
We have received your request for an internal review regarding RFI20160005 which we received on 20 April 2016.
We will deal with the review as promptly as possible and will endeavour to do so within 20 working days in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s guidance, although in some instances reviews may take longer. If you have any queries, please contact us at the address below.
The reference number for your internal review is IR2016036.
Kind regards,
Information Rights, BBC Legal
BC2B6, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane,
London, W12 7TP
Email: [email address]
Tel: 020 8008 2883
Fax: 020 8008 2398
Dear Mr Gregory
Please find attached the BBC's internal review decision (IR2016036) relating to your request for information designated RFI20160005.
BBC Information Rights
BC2 A5, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Email: [email address]
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the BBC’s response to your Freedom of Information
request [RFI20160005]. The requested information will be sent over three
emails. This is first of three emails.
We apologise for the delay in providing a substantive response to your
Kind regards,
BBC Information Rights
BC2 A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Website: [1]
Email: [2]mailto:[email address]
Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
2. mailto:[email%20address]
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the BBC’s response to your Freedom of Information
request [RFI20160005]. The requested information will be sent over three
emails. This is the second of three emails.
Kind regards,
BBC Information Rights
BC2 A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Website: [1]
Email: [2]mailto:[email address]
Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
2. mailto:[email%20address]
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the BBC’s response to your Freedom of Information
request [RFI20160005]. The requested information will be sent over three
emails. This is the third and final email.
Kind regards,
BBC Information Rights
BC2 A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Website: [1]
Email: [2]mailto:[email address]
Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
2. mailto:[email%20address]
Mark Salter left an annotation ()
Duplicate download locations should it ever be wanted :-

Doug Paulley left an annotation ()
The BBC has been in touch about their redaction failure, and we're seeking to establish if there is any material which we should remove from public view.
We only remove material if we are legally required to do, or in exceptional, very rare cases of clear moral need to do so. Our legal obligations are not the same as a public body's.
As far as we know at the moment, there doesn't appear to be any compelling reason for us to remove any information published on this request.
Doug - volunteer,
Mark Salter left an annotation ()
Thanks for sharing Doug.
I know from past experience that the WDTK team always take the reasonable and pragmatic approach to such questions; and I'm confident that this instance will be no different.

Doug Paulley left an annotation ()
We have removed the name of the employee who sent responses to this request. We did so at the request of Peter Farrell, Head of Legal BBC Workplace and Information Rights, and at the request of the employee concerned. We did so because we have received assurances that the employee is a relatively junior employee who was not responsible for the failed redaction or any other aspects of preparing the response, and because the employee expressed concern at derogatory comments about them elsewhere.
We took into consideration that the employee's name is only present in the From: field of the emails and not in the body of any of the emails.
Just to be 100% clear: we have not removed or changed any element of the BBC's response to this Freedom of Information request. The bodies and attachments of all the emails on this thread remain exactly as they have always been. We have not acquiesced to the BBC's separate request that we remove the poorly redacted material.
Doug - volunteer,
J. Jones left an annotation ()
OK, my original annotation was censored - as the BBC seem very embarrassed about the actual identity of "Who" made the Gigantic mistake of revealing chapter & verse, most of the Capita/BBC secrets, that they would rather the people why pay for them (The Licence payers) not know about.
So to save another FOI request being made, MR FARRELL WHO actually authorised the BBC response in this particular enquiry?
Mark Salter left an annotation ()
Unless Mr Farrell does pay this site a visit, he won't see your question, but a new FOI request won;t take long to raise if you would like to seek that detail.
I personally think that the detail in the email flurry after the response was noticed would be more interesting - and likely include the detail you mentioned.
Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of British Broadcasting Corporation's handling of my FOI request 'Monthly Performance Pack'.
In my original request email dated 2nd Jan I asked "Please furnish me with a copy of the Monthly Performance Pack for the last 3 years and also the 10 day report." I expected this to include year Apr 205 - May 2016 which is the most recent year. Please could you provide this information and let me know why this wasn't included when it was requested?
Please don't let this take 6 months like the last one did...
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Mr Gregory,
We have received your request for an internal review regarding RFI20160005 which we received on 24 July.
We will deal with the review as promptly as possible and will endeavour to do so within 20 working days in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s guidance, although in some instances reviews may take longer. If you have any queries, please contact us at the address below.
The reference number for your internal review is IR2016060.
Yours sincerely,
BBC Information Rights
Peter Jones left an annotation ()
The problem you'll have Nath is that when your request was made, back in Jan 2016, the most recent Monthly Performance Pack was the 2014-15 one. That's what they'll say. The fact they've dragged their feet for 6 months is of no relevance to them at all - it's pretty habitual behaviour for the BBC to offer two fingers to those requesting information.
How I wish they had released the March 2016 pack as well. I bet there'd be some right gems in there that they also forgot to redact!
Dear Nathan Gregory,
Thank you for your recent request for information. Please find the
response attached.
Yours sincerely,
BBC Information Rights
BC2A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP, UK
Website: [1]
Email: [2][email address]
Visible links
2. mailto:[email%20address]
Peter Jones left an annotation ()
It's another of these delaying notices. We seem to have seen a lot of these recently, ever since the BBC botched the redaction of your earlier disclosure documents.
I wonder if they're going to keep you waiting for another 4 months now?!
Dear Mr Gregory
Please see the attached internal review, reference IR2016060.
Yours sincerely
BBC Information Rights
BC2A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP, UK
Peter Jones left an annotation ()
According to Doug's annotation the take down request was made by Peter Farrell, Head of Legal BBC Workplace and Information Rights, plus the nameless (but we all know who) employee concerned:
Given Mr Farrell's job title, I'd suggest he'd count as a senior BBC employee and the information produced by him should be up for grabs.
Peter Jones left an annotation ()
My above annotation should have been posted to another one of the Nath's requests:
It makes more sense then.
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20161499.
As there are a number of disclosure documents, we will send these in
separate emails to follow.
Yours sincerely
BBC Information Policy and Compliance
Room BC2 A4
Broadcast Centre
White City
W12 7TS
Website: [1]
Email: [2]mailto:[email address]
Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
2. mailto:[email%20address]
Dear Mr Gregory,
Following our previous email, please find the first group of disclosure
Yours sincerely
BBC Information Policy and Compliance
Room BC2 A4
Broadcast Centre
White City
W12 7TS
Website: [1]
Email: [2]mailto:[email address]
Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My
From: FOI Enquiries
Sent: 21 February 2017 10:27
To: '[FOI #308791 email]'
Subject: Response to your request - RFI20161499
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20161499.
As there are a number of disclosure documents, we will send these in
separate emails to follow.
Yours sincerely
BBC Information Policy and Compliance
Room BC2 A4
Broadcast Centre
White City
W12 7TS
Website: [3]
Email: [4]mailto:[email address]
Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
2. mailto:[email%20address]
3. file:///tmp/
4. mailto:[email%20address]
Dear Mr Gregory,
Following our previous email, please find the final group of disclosure
Yours sincerely
BBC Information Policy and Compliance
Room BC2 A4
Broadcast Centre
White City
W12 7TS
Website: [1]
Email: [2]mailto:[email address]
Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My
From: FOI Enquiries
Sent: 21 February 2017 10:27
To: '[FOI #308791 email]'
Subject: Response to your request - RFI20161499
Dear Mr Gregory,
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20161499.
As there are a number of disclosure documents, we will send these in
separate emails to follow.
Yours sincerely
BBC Information Policy and Compliance
Room BC2 A4
Broadcast Centre
White City
W12 7TS
Website: [3]
Email: [4]mailto:[email address]
Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
2. mailto:[email%20address]
3. file:///tmp/
4. mailto:[email%20address]
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Peter Jones left an annotation ()
On the contrary Nath, I think the BBC's response has been very helpful, in that they have failed to redact most of the disclosure documents properly.
You can read about TV Licensing's search warrant statistics, extracted from the documents above, here:
I really would expect the BBC to blub to and ask for the disclosed documents to be undisclosed.
I'd urge to ignore any such request.