Requests similar to 'Modern Apprentices'

Good afternoon, Thank you for your freedom of information request. I will get back to you in 20 working days. Kind Regards Adam Pool Adam Pool S...
Stress Management
Response by North Highland College to John Gallacher on .


Good Morning. Thank you for your FOI request. I will respond within 20 working days. Kind Regards Adam Pool Secretary to the Board of Management N...
Staff Breaks
Response by North Highland College to John Gallacher on .


Good Morning, I have passed your FOI request on to the relevant team. I will be in touch within 20 working days. Kind Regards Adam Pool Secretary...
scope of NRPA
Response by North Highland College to John Gallacher on .


Good Morning Pease find the response to your FOI request. Kind Regards Adam Pool Secretary to the Board of Management North Highland College UHI Or...
Safeguarding: Policy and Procedure
Response by North Highland College to Mrs Maclean on .


Good morning, Please find attached a response for your freedom of Information request. Enrolling a student on the sex offender's register - The stu...
Early Years & Education Courses
Response by North Highland College to Louise Brown on .


Good Afternoon, Please find the response to your FOI request attached. Kind Regards Adam Pool Secretary to the Board of Management North Highland...
Union reps
Response by North Highland College to Abdul Hai on .


Good morning, Thank you for your freedom of Information request. I will respond to it in 20 working days. Kind Regards Adam Pool Secretary to the B...
Response by North Highland College to John Gallacher on .


Good afternoon John, I am responding to the Freedom of Information request requested under the name John Gallacher. Thank you for the request by e...
First Aid
Response by North Highland College to John Gallacher on .


Hello, I can confirm receipt of the below email FOI request. Regards Penny Penny Gunn PA to the Principal North Highland College UHI Ormlie Road Th...
FOI: bereavement services
Response by North Highland College to Poppy Damon on .


Good afternoon Poppy, I am responding to the Freedom of Information request in respect to bereavement services. Thank you for the request by email...
Dear Sir/Madam, In response to your request for information, received on 7^th July 2011, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has provided the f...
Dear Mr McBeath, Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 We refer to the above and to your following request. Can you provide me with the followi...
TQFE Information Request
Response by North Highland College to Paulette Manning on .


Good afternoon Paulette,   Following on from my email last week, and noting that North Highland College is a partner college within UHI and has no...
Voluntary Severance
Response by North Highland College to John Gallacher on .


Dear Mr Gallacher, I write to acknowledge your request to North Highland College for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act, 2002....
Facts and Figures
Response by Scottish Natural Heritage to Iain Lawrie on .


Dear Iain, Thank you for your information request. I’ve attached our response. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about o...
Response by North Highland College to David Blades on .


Dear Mr Blades I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act and can confirm that the College has 537 PCs across the sites and does use...
Dear Mr Oakley Please find VOSA's response to your recent request for information attached. (See attached file: G Oakley F0001763 180309.doc)(See att...
Dear Mr Oakley, I refer to your request of 29th November. Please see the attached response and accompanying spreadsheet. Kind regards, Francesca...
Legal Costs
Response by North Highland College to John Gallacher on .


Dear Mr Gallacher, I refer to your request dated 5th October and attach an Excel spreadsheet containing the information requested. I hope that this in...
Funding for Mental Health in Colleges AY21-22
Response by North Highland College to John Gallacher on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Gallacher, I apologise sincerely on behalf of the College for the delay in responding to your request.  I am looking into this matter and wi...
List of council housing addresses
Response by Highland Council to Josef Smith on .


Dear Mr Smith   Request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002   With regard to your request for information – L...
Support Staff Headcount
Response by North Highland College to John Gallacher on .


Dear Mr Gallacher, I can advise that I now have the information you requested, and apologise on behalf of the College for the delay in responding to yo...
Information regarding student placements
Response by North Highland College to S A Smith on .

Partially successful

Dear S A Smith, I've taken over as Secretary to the Board of Management on the departure of Struan Mackie on 1st December. I do not appear to have been...
Street Lighting
Response by Highland Council to william fraser on .


Dear Mr Fraser, Original FOI request: Street Lighting I would like to request a dataset which contains all the street lamps, control pillars manag...
Asbestos in NHC sites
Response by North Highland College to Dorothy Mackay on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Dorothy   I refer to your request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and The Environmental Information (Sco...