Modern Apprentices

The request was successful.

Dear North Highland College,

Under the Freedom of information Scotland 2002 Act please supply the following information:

1. Can you please provide the number of Modern Apprentices directly employed by your College

2. Can you please provide the hourly rate paid to your apprentices and detail any additional annual wage increase they received during that time?

3. Please advise the F.T.E figure

4. If you are not currently paying each apprentice the living wage, can you advise the total cost to the college (including all pension, NI and employer contributions) of paying each apprentice in your employment the current living wage of £8.75 an hour?

For the avoidance of doubt, the information requested refers to any Modern Apprentice employed directly by your College under the Skills Development Scotland Modern Apprenticeship Programme.

Please acknowledge receipt of this information request and I shall look forward to receiving your full disclosure within 20 working days.

Yours faithfully,

John Gallacher

Adam Pool, North Highland College

Good Morning,

Thank you for your freedom of Information request. I will respond to it within 20 working days from the date received.

Kind Regards

Adam Pool

Secretary to the Board of Management
North Highland College UHI
Ormlie Road
KW14 7EE

01847 889205

[North Highland College request email]

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Adam Pool, North Highland College

Good Afternoon.

With regards to your FOI request the College currently has no Modern Apprentices.

Kind Regards

Adam Pool

Secretary to the Board of Management
North Highland College UHI
Ormlie Road
KW14 7EE

01847 889205

[North Highland College request email]

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