MOD Relationship with Landmarc Solutions

The request was partially successful.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Please disclose the following:

1) What is the relationship between the MOD and Landmarc Solutions? (i.e., are the two deeply integrated or act as two autonomous entities?)
2) Are film and TV production team script submissions handled by the MOD or Landmarc Solutions?
3) What determines if a script is successful or not? (i.e., what is the criteria for a script to be successful and granted access to MOD materials)
4) What production teams, be they film or television, have been granted access to MOD land/materials from 2015 to 2022?
5) Can I have access to the contracts of those production teams, both film and television, that were successful in attaining MOD permission to film on government property and use MOD materials from 2015 to 2022.

Yours faithfully,

Tarik Ata

DDC-Secretariat Parliamentary (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Tarik,


Please see attached response to your recent FOI request.


Kind Regards


DDC-Secretariat Manager

MOD Main Building



Dear DDC-Secretariat Parliamentary (MULTIUSER),

Thank you for your response.

To clarify question two: By 'script submissions' from TV and Film production teams, I am referring to non-news media pitching ideas to the MOD and Landmarc Solutions to attain, for example, access to a filming location. With this question I was seeking to better understand who dealt with these requests, is it the MOD or Landmarc, or are the two working in tandem?

Yours sincerely,

Tarik Ata

DDC-Secretariat Parliamentary (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Tarik,


Please see attached response to your recent FOI request.


Kind Regards


DDC-Secretariat Manager

MOD Main Building
