MOD Independent Safety Organisation

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Ministry of Defence should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Could you please provide me with the following information :-

a: The terms of reference for the MOD Independent Safety
Organisation (ISO) referred to in the DESB 2010 report,

b: letters of delegation

c: organisational structure

d: job descriptions including the associated professional safety qualifications, required experience required to be held by individuals occupying posts within the ISO

e: which posts will be subsumed within the ISO.

f: cost savings

g: reduction in overall number of posts

h: responses from the Unions to the consultation on the establishment of the MOD Independent Safety Organisation

Also could you provide me with information about any changes to the MOD safety committees (DESB DNESB etc ) terms of reference and membership consequent of the establishment of the MOD Independent Safety Organisation

Yours faithfully,

Fred WP Dawson

DSEA-Secretariat Group Mailbox (MULTIUSER),

Dear Mr Dawson,

With reference to your request under the Freedom of Information Act for
release of materials relating to the formation of the Independent Safety
Organisation (for your information this is now called the Defence Safety
and Environment Authority) we wish to clarify whether at your question “d:
job descriptions including the associated professional safety
qualifications, required experience required to be held by individuals
occupying posts within the ISO” whether you wish to receive job
descriptions for all posts in the DSEA as there are approximately 150
personnel in the organisation or whether you wish to limit your request to
senior staff in the DSEA regulator divisions?


Many thanks


| DSEA-Secretariat Group|

Ministry of Defence | Defence Safety and Environment Authority (DSEA) |
1st  Floor, Zone  K,  | MOD Main Building| Whitehall|  London  |SW1A 2HB



Fred WP Dawson

Dear DSEA-Secretariat Group Mailbox (MULTIUSER),

I would like information about all posts in the DSEA

Yours sincerely,

Fred WP Dawson

DSEA-CPA-Policy2 (Lawson, Andrew C2),

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Dawson,

Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information Act
Enquiry on the Formation of the ISO.





Ministry of Defence | Defence Safety and Environment Authority (DSEA) |
1st  Floor, Zone  K, | MOD Main Building| Whitehall|  London  |SW1A 2HB



Dear DSEA-CPA-Policy2 (Lawson, Andrew C2),

Could please provide me with the information relating to me questions at a,b,c,e,f,g

Yours sincerely,

Fred WP Dawson

Dear DSEA-CPA-Policy2 (Lawson, Andrew C2),

as well as "a,b,c,e,f,g" I forgot I would also like information requested at H "resposne to the unions to the consultation"

Yours sincerely,

Fred WP Dawson

DSEA-Secretariat Group Mailbox (MULTIUSER),

11 Attachments

Dear Mr Dawson,

Please find attached our response together with attachments in answer to
your requests dated 24/28 May 2012 concerning the formation of the MOD
Independent Safety Organisation (known as the Defence Safety and
Environment Authority – DSEA).





Ministry of Defence | Defence Safety and Environment Authority (DSEA) |
1st  Floor, Zone  K,  | MOD Main Building| Whitehall|  London  |SW1A 2HB



Dear DSEA-Secretariat Group Mailbox (MULTIUSER),

Thank you very much for the information I requested. I stand to be corrected, but it seems the following information I requested was not included in your reply

1: organisational structure

2: The terms of reference for the MOD Independent Safety Organisation (ISO) referred to in the DESB 2010 report,

3: cost savings

4: reduction in overall number of posts

Yours sincerely,

Fred WP Dawson

DSEA-Secretariat Group Mailbox (MULTIUSER),

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Dawson,

Thank you for your reply in which you believe that the information detailed below was not included in our response.

1: organisational structure

2: The terms of reference for the MOD Independent Safety
Organisation (ISO) referred to in the DESB 2010 report,

3: cost savings

4: reduction in overall number of posts

I direct your attention to the letter which was included in our response and which answers to your questions are detailed. I attach another copy of the letter for your information.

I trust this answers your question.


Ministry of Defence | Defence Safety and Environment Authority (DSEA) | 1st Floor, Zone K, | MOD Main Building| Whitehall| London |SW1A 2HB

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