Mixed Sex Toilets for Pupils
Dear Edward Peake CofE VC Middle School, Biggleswade,
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please disclose the following:
Do you have mixed sex (also known as unisex or gender neutral) toilets for pupils? Yes/No
If yes, please:
1. list location of toilet blocks and disclose for each toilet block:
2. number of mixed sex toilets with shared handwashing facilities
3. number of mixed sex toilets with self-contained hand washing in each toilet
4. number of toilets in separate girls toilet blocks
5. number of toilets and number of urinals in separate boys toilet blocks
For stand alone separate single mixed sex (also known as unisex or gender neutral) toilets for student use, please disclose the:
6. number of stand alone accessible toilets on site
7. number of stand alone toilets on site, not fitted out for accessible use
Please provide the following information:
8. current policies or rules on use of toilets
9. documents/reports presented to the governing body on:
1. converting single sex toilets to mixed sex toilets, and
2. discipline problems relating to use of pupil toilets.
10. Have you reported any sexual assaults to the police 2021 to date?
11. If yes, please state year, and location(s) of the alleged sexual assault(s).
12. For new build and converted mixed sex (also known as unisex or gender neutral) toilets in your school, please disclose:
1. Risk assessments
2. equality impact assessments
13. For converted toilets, date(s) of conversion and cost of work
Time limit: You should regard the 20 working day limit for answering FOIs as a ‘long stop’, in other words the latest possible date on which you may issue a response (ICO guidance on time limits in FOIA Section 10).
Excessive costs: If this request needs refining to make it possible for you to comply without incurring excessive costs (FOIA Section 12), consider ways in which you can help me to refine my request so you can answer without exceeding the appropriate limit. Please let me know as soon as possible, so you will be able to make the disclosures promptly, within the Section 10 time limit.
Please ensure that where you deem it necessary under s.40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to redact personal data or any other information, please redact the minimum necessary (eg redact an individual’s name not their organisation in email addresses) and send me the rest of the material, explaining the legal grounds for each redaction.
If the information is already published, please provide the link to the document and let me know the relevant page number or agenda item.
Please acknowledge receipt of this request.
Many thanks for your assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Pat Kokot
Dear Edward Peake CofE VC Middle School, Biggleswade,
a response was due June 12th. Please could you reply asap. This is a legal requirement.
Yours faithfully,
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