Missing Persons
Dear Humberside Police Authority,
How many unsolved missing persons cases have there been in the last 10 years in the Hull area?
Of these cases, how many of the missing people are aged 21 or under?
What percentage of the above are male and what percentage are female?
If any of the above make it impossible for you to provide the
information, please provide as much as you are able to.
Please get in contact if you require any more information
Yours faithfully,
Otis Holmes
Dear Mr Holmes, thank you for your request for information under the
Freedom of Information Act received today.
Unfortunately, the information that you are seeking is not held by
Humberside Police Authority but may be held by Humberside Police Force. I
would be happy to transfer your request to them if you advise me that you
would like me to do so.
Alternatively you may make a direct request to them at the following
address:- Information Compliance Unit, Police Headquarters, Priory Road
Police Station, Priory Road, Hull, HU5 5SF (e-mail address
[email address])
Yours sincerely
Louise Johnson
Member Support Manager
Telephone: 01482 220731 (internal 3731)
E-mail: [1][email address]
Fax: 01482 220794 (3794)
Humberside Police Authority
Pacific Exchange
40 High Street
Hull HU1 1PS
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