Missed Hospital Appointments
Dear University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust,
Between 29th Feb 2016 and 28th Feb 2017, How many Hospital Out Patient appointments were missed at The County Hospital -Stafford- due to patients attending the wrong Hospital?
Yours faithfully,
Mark daniels
Dear Mr Daniels,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your email dated 27th March 2017
requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act (2000)
regarding missed outpatient appointments at County Hospital.
The FOI Act sets out a twenty working day timescale for requests to be
completed by. We will always try to complete your request within this
timeframe. We will let you know whether the Trust holds the information
you have requested, and we will contact you as soon as possible if we are
delayed in our response for some reason. If we require further information
from you or we need you to further explain your request before we can
continue to process it we will also contact you.
Information Governance Team
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Dear Mr Daniels,
Please find the response to your FOI request attached
Many thanks,
IG Team
University Hospitals of North Midlands
NHS Trust
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