Requests similar to 'MISO data - Vehicle Purchase RM1070' (page 8)

Dear Ms Corderoy,   We have completed the compilation of information in response to your request.   We can confirm that we do hold some inform...
Benefits Measuring Methodology
Response by Cabinet Office to Ian Freeman on .


Please find attached the reply to your recent FOI request       Regards     FOI Team 1 Horse Guards Road London SW1A 2HQ   Emai...
Policy information request
Response by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust to Carolyn Tuson on .

Partially successful

Dear Madam Please find attached our response in respect of your request under the Freedom of Information Act. Kind regards and we apologies for the d...
Tender information
Response by Nuclear Restoration Services to Peter McGowan on .

Partially successful

Dear Peter,   You made a Freedom of Information request on 10^th April 2024 in relation to RM6089 - Lot 1a Security Personnel Services - Shared Se...
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
Response by Cabinet Office to Jonathan Mantle on .


Please find attached the reply to your FOI request       Regards     FOI Team Room 405 70 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2AS E-mail -[1]...
Bonus structure
Response by Crown Commercial Service to Elizabeth Todd on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Elizabeth Todd, Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request (reference FOI2024/15193). Yours sincerely,...
OFFICIAL Please find attached Public Health England's response to your request. FOI Team Public Accountability Unit Public Health England [PHE request...
Emails between council and Friends of Castle Park
Response by Bristol City Council to Joe Banks on .

Partially successful

Reply to   [Bristol City Council request email]       Our ref 25335353 Joe Banks Date 6 May 2022 ???    Dear Joe Banks Freedom of Informatio...
Successful tenderer information for DfE EAP contract
Response by Department for Education to Jacek Jedrowiak on .

Awaiting classification

Please find attached our response for your recent request for information. Department for Education Sanctuary Buildings Great Smith Street London SW1P...
Dear  Gareth Davies   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST 809   I am writing to confirm that the Council has now completed its search for the infor...
Shire Hall sale data room
Response by Cambridgeshire County Council to Phil Rodgers on .


Kind Regards,     Information Management Team Tel: 01223 699137 (Team) Box No. OCT1224, Cambridgeshire County Council, Shire Hall, Cambridge,...
Handle as: Official. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Helen McNally My records indicate...
Football Index
Response by HM Treasury to Chris inman on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Chris Inman Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request. Yours sincerely Information Rights Unit | Correspondence and Informa...
Decision to continue BP sponsorship
Response by Tate (Gallery) to David Hansen on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Hansen Please find attached two PDFs which constitute the response to your Freedom of Information request, our reference 351. Many thanks...
Email 3   [1]Department for Business, Energy & Information Rights Unit Industrial Strategy Corporate Services Operations Directorate [2][BEIS r...
Dear Ms Dawson   Further to your recent request for information, please find attached a final disclosure letter sent on behalf of Claudia Guy, Head...
Business Rates
Response by Croydon Borough Council to Gareth Elton on .


Dear Mr Elton  Freedom of Information Request Please see attached the council's response to your Freedom of Information request. Yours sincerely...
PAN2515 - Variable Message Signs:
Response by Leicester City Council to Stanley Tatum on .


Dear Mr Tatum   Please see attached for the response to your recent request for information.   Kind regards   Information Governance & Ris...
IT Health Check Services Sira Services
Response by Department for Education to David Brown on .


Dear Mr Brown,   Please find attached a response to your FOI, Ref: 2023-0027803   Kind regards   DfE Commercial Correspondence Team 30 th Augus...
Bristol Old Station building purchase
Response by Network Rail Limited to Joseph Lloyd on .

Partially successful

Reference number: IR2021/00017 Dear Joseph Lloyd Please find attached our response to your information request. If you have any queries please do no...
Information request - part 1 Our reference: 11511965 --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Dear Ms Liverga...
Dear M Russell, Please find attached our response to the above mentioned request. Kind regards, Briefings, Correspondence and FOI Adviser | HS2 L...
Please find attached:   First and second round bids attached - 18 Dec 2015 and 8 Jan 2016 respectively                        ...
Victory Energy Business cases
Response by Portsmouth City Council to D64 on .

Long overdue

- Official - Dear Jerry Brown   Further to my previous email, I confirm the council has now considered the information contained in the Business Ca...