Good afternoon,
Please find attached a response to your below Freedom of Information request.
Best Wishes
Caron Munro
Business Support Manager
Dear Claire Wilde
Apologies for the delay in responding to your request.
Thank you for your request for information received on 29 November...
Dear Lucas Amin
Please find attached Natural England's response to your request for
Yours sincerely
Jenny Lewis
Senior Adviser - A...
Dear Mr Swift,
Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information requests: FOIR2055 and FOIR2060.
Freedom of Information
Dear Sir/Madam,
In response to your request for information, received on 7^th July 2011,
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has provided the f...
Dear Chris Hall,
I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request
FOI2022/28803, received 7th November. Please find our response atta...
Dear Ms McNally
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find the
Trust’s response attached.
Kind regards
Lisa Eva...
Dear David Gossner,
We are writing in response to your request for information, received 23
Yours sincerely,
HMRC Information Rights Unit...
Dear Mr Gray,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request
Please see the attached response to your Freedom of Information request.
Yours s...
Dear Mr Roberts,
FOI 22018
Further to your recent FOI enquiry, please find attached the requested information.
We trust this completes your FOI enq...
Dear Nicola Pomroy,
Please find attached the response from National Records of Scotland to your recent Freedom of Information request.
Dear Nicola Pomroy,
Please find attached the response from National Records of Scotland to your recent Freedom of Information request.
Dear Ed,
Please find your FOI response attached.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Request
Digital, Data and Technology Services
NHS B...
EMAIL 1 OF 2 (3 attachments)
Dear Mr Hutchison
In relation to your Freedom of Information request reference number
202200292400 please fin...
Dear Helen Johnson,
Thank you for your request for information, which was sent to the ESFA,
which was received on 29^th August 2023.
You asked fo...
Dear Ben Lutz,
Re: Oxford Direct Services, Freedom of Information – Reference: ODS-007
Further to your helpful clarification below, please see attach...
Dear Mr Moore
Please find attached response to your FOI enquiry, our reference 51593.
Kind regards
Rabina Aslam
Commercial Dire...
Dear Raj Shetty,
Please find attached our response to your requests for information, our references FOI2021/24242 and FOI2021/24248.
If you have any...
Dear Raj Shetty,
Please find attached our response to your requests for information, our references FOI2021/24242 and FOI2021/24248.
If you have any...
For the attention of: Helen McNally
I write in response to your email to Mid Devon District Council,
requesting information about ‘Contracts ove...
Dear Nigel,
Please find your FOI response attached.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Request
Digital, Data and Technology Servic...
Dear Mr Vassey,
Thank you for your request dated 2 December, which is outlined below, for
information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Ac...
Annwyl Mr Shepherd
Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI11111.
Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad mewnol....
Dear Ms Booth
I attach the Authority's response to your email.
Many thanks
Democratic Services
Joanna Booth
Via Email
Sent by e-mail: [FOI #955419...
Dear Ms McNally
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find the
Trust’s response attached.
Kind regards