Dear Mr Black,
Please see attached.
Steven Borg
Information Coordinator
Croydon Council
Digital Council of the Year
Information Team
Beth Goodman <[FOI #485775 email]>
Dear Ms Goodman
Please see the attached response to your request of 17 May 2018. I
apologise for th...
Dear Ali Javadi,
I am writing in response to your request for information, received 12th
Yours sincerely,
DWP Central FoI Team
DWP Centr...
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Kind regards.
Freedom of Information Officer
Tel: 01626 215111
Dear Mr Jones
Please find attached outcome response following the internal review of your FOI request. Please also find relevant enclosures.
Many tha...
Dear Dhiraj Shetty,
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request (reference FOI2023/07716).
Yours sincerely,...
Dear FOI Team,
Thank you for directing me to the Chest for your contract data.
However, I would like to request a clarification. When searching for...
Dear U. Winfield
Our Reference: FOI 3411
Thank you for your correspondence of 9 February where you requested
information relating to Stock...
Please find enclosed the attachment to your FOI request
FOI Team
Room 405
70 Whitehall,
London, SW1A 2AS
Der Mr Webb,
Please find attached our response to your freedom of information request.
Kindest regards,
Handan Er (She/H...
Dear Mr Todd,
Please find attached the response to your request for information, our reference FOI2020/39954.
If you have any queries about this emai...
Dear L. Lluva,
Further to my emails below, please find attached a further response and
accompanying documents in reference to the Internal Review FO...
Dear Mr Sharp
Please find the response to your Freedom of Information request attached.
Kind regards
Home Office
Knowledge and
Dear K Magee
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 21 May
You requested:
As this has past the FOI targe...
Dear Mr Jones,
Please find attached the decision notice and attachments for review, reference number 1592816.
Yours sincerely
Janet Scanlan
Dear A Williams,
Please find attached our response to your freedom of information request.
Yours sincerely,
Olivia Arasakesary
Dear Raj,
Enquiry regarding the Environment Agency’s Data Outcome Plan and DOS
Thank you for your enquiry which was received on...
Dear Mr Hai
Please see attached documents.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Dear Kevin Kevin,
I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request
FOI2022/22836, received 24th August. Please find our response atta...
Dear Mr Crofton Black,
We have considered your request which was:
I understand that S...
Good Morning Mr Hilton-Jones,
Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request in relation to
a Tender pack.
Kind Regards,
Dear Mr Kennard,
This is the second email.
Kind Regards,
Information Rights Unit
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Please find the attached information from St Helens & Knowsley Teaching
Hospitals NHS Trust, in response to your Freedom of information request...
Dear David Atwell,
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request (reference FOI2021/14384).
Yours sincerely,
Dear Emma Blunt,
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request (reference FOI2024/13193).
Please note, due to th...