
The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

could you outline how many incidents there have been each year for the past five years of mis-fuelling of police vehicles, for example putting diesel in a petrol car or vice versa, and how much the associated repair bills for each year have totalled?

Yours faithfully,

Isaac Ashe

Cooper Lynne, Leicestershire Constabulary

1 Attachment

Please see attached acknowledgment.

Miss Lynne Cooper

Professional Standards (KC)

Data Protection/Info Security (DP)


Switchboard +44 0116 222 2222

Ext. 5222

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Visible links
1. http://www.leics.police.uk/

Dear Cooper Lynne,

This request is currently overdue a response. By law, the response had to be prompt but no later than July 15, 2009.

Under the Freedom of Information Act you should have replied by now, and are breaking the law.

Yours sincerely,

Isaac Ashe

Data Protection,

1 Attachment

Mr Ashe,

Please see attached our response to your FOI request dated 16 June 2009.

Kind Regards,

Linda Dempsey

Disclosure Assistant

Information Management, Leicestershire Constabulary

"Improving Confidence Through Raising Standards"

': +44 (0)116 222 2222 Ext: 5221

:: [1][Leicestershire Constabulary request email]

7: +44 (0)0116 2485217

Website: [2]http://www.leics.police.uk

show quoted sections


Visible links
1. mailto:[Leicestershire Constabulary request email]
mailto:[Leicestershire Constabulary request email]
2. http://www.leics.police.uk/