Requests similar to 'Mis-fuelling of motor vehicles'

Wrong Fuel in Police Cars
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Agata Tina Campanella on .

Information not held

Attention Agata Campanella, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte Information Services Of...
Wrong Petrol in Cars
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Agata Tina Campanella on .


Attention Ms Campanella, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte Information Services Offic...
Website redevelopment costs
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Kyle Beale on .

Partially successful

Attention Mr Beale, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a confirmation letter. Alice Duarte Information Services Of...
Corporate Window Cleaning Contract Information
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Michael Weller on .

Partially successful

Attention Mr Weller, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a confirmation letter. Alice Duarte Information Services O...
Attention Nicola, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a confirmation letter. Alice Duarte Information Services Offi...
Attention Billy de Goede, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a confirmation letter. Alice Duarte Information Servi...
Home Office Circular 46/2004
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to [name removed] on .


Attention Mr [name removed],   Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a confirmation letter.       Alice Duarte Inform...
Dangerous Dog Act
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Amanda Dunckley on .


Attention Ms Dunckley, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte 7591 Information Services...
Attention Mr Watts, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Information Services Office Information Man...
Attention Mr Lewis, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte 7591 Information Services Of...
Usage of criminal property
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Mr Realist on .


Dear Sir, Please find attached a letetr regarding your recent FOI request. Alice Duarte Information Services Office Information Manageme...
Dear Sir/Madam Following your Freedom of Information request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte 7591 Information Services Off...
Deaths in custody
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Zoe Mercer on .


Attention Ms Mercer, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte 7591 Information Services O...
Staffing levels for the last three years.
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to David Hart on .


Attention Mr Hart, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte Information Services Office Inf...
Statistics for attending searches
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Chug on .

Partially successful

Attention Mr Freeman, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte Information Services Offi...
Attention Mr Hart, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte Information Services Office Inf...
Attention Mr George, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte Information Compliance Adm...
Police Injury Pensions Policy
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to John Jarman on .


Attention Mr Jarman, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a confirmation letter. Alice Duarte Information Services O...
Police Resources
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Steve Bennett on .


Attention Mr Bennett , Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a confirmation letter. Alice Duarte Information Services...
Prostitution related arrests in 2008
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to R Dewsbury on .

Partially successful

Attention Mr Dewsbury, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte 7591 Information Services...
Driving Permits
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to N.Smith on .


Attention N Smith, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte 7591 Information Services Offi...
Police Injury Pensions Policy
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Ms. N. McCall on .


Attention Ms McCall, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte Information Compliance Adm...
Homophobic hate crimes reported to police
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Nick Henderson on .

Partially successful

Attention Mr Henderson, Further to your recent FOI request, please find attached a response letter. Alice Duarte Information Compliance...
Dear Mr Old, Please find attached a response letter regarding your information request. <<Response 541.pdf>> Alice Duarte 7591 Information Servic...
Response by Hertfordshire Constabulary to Mark Walker on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Walker , Please find attached a response letter regarding your information request. Alice Duarte 7591 Information Services Office Informa...