Minutes of meetings conducted between BMTA & Council Officers since 1 April

Waiting for an internal review by Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council of their handling of this request.

Erebus Smith AKA Alan Featherstone

Dear Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council,

I request the minutes and working notes of all meetings conducted between….
BMTA & Council Officers.
BMTA & Consultants.
Council Officers & Consultants.
Traders & Council Officers.
Traders & Consultants.
…….. that have occurred since 1 April.
Additionally, please supply any documents that have been shared at these meetings.

Please pass a copies of this request to Paul Satoor, Matthew Bennett & Jill Travers to facilitate their oversight.

Yours faithfully,

Erebus Smith AKA Alan Featherstone

InfoMgr, FinDMT,

Dear Alan Featherstone


Thank you for your information request attached/below.


Your request has been logged.


Unfortunately, due to the unprecedented challenges that we are facing 
within the Information Management Team currently, there is a possibility 
that the Council may not be able to provide a response to your request 
within the statutory deadline.


Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation and patience.


Yours sincerely



Tracy O'Hare

Information Management Technical Officer

Law and Corporate Services

Wirral Council

PO Box 290

Brighton Street


CH27 9FQ

Email:[1][Wirral Borough Council request email]

Visit our website: [2]www.wirral.gov.uk




This information supplied to you is copyrighted and continues to be
protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.   You are free
to use it for your own purposes, including any non commercial research you
are doing and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other reuse, for
example commercial publication, would require our specific permission, may
involve licensing and the application of a charge








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Erebus Smith AKA Alan Featherstone

FOI/CRM 1689387
Dear InfoMgr, FinDMT,
Hi Dear Tracey,

I would like to bring to your attention that the information request made 20 working days ago has yet to be addressed, which exceeds the designated timeframe. I kindly request that an internal review be initiated without further delay.

As per legal regulations, public entities are required to respond to requests within 20 working days and many of my information requests have surpassed this legally mandated deadline. I now believe that the Regeneration Directorate are intentionally prolonging freedom of information requests through a deliberate corporate policy of delays, obstruction, and, in certain instances, the provision of inaccurate or irrelevant information. In my view, this policy is a strategic attempt to conceal potential misconduct by certain Council Officers..

To ensure oversight and accountability of Council Officers I ask that this complaint to be forwarded to the customer feedback division, leaders of the political groups and the Chief Executive.

I would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and a note confirming the requests have been actioned.


Erebus Smith AKA Alan Featherstone.

InfoMgr, FinDMT,

Dear Alan Featherstone


Thank you for your contact below

Wirral Council acknowledges your internal review we aim to respond as soon
as we are able.  Your contact regards the complaint matters have been
forwarded to the customer feedback service.

Yours sincerely

Tracy O'Hare

Information Management Technical Officer

Law and Corporate Services

Wirral Council

PO Box 290

Brighton Street


CH27 9FQ

Email:[2][Wirral Borough Council request email]

Visit our website: [3]www.wirral.gov.uk

This information supplied to you is copyrighted and continues to be
protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.   You are free
to use it for your own purposes, including any non commercial research you
are doing and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other reuse, for
example commercial publication, would require our specific permission, may
involve licensing and the application of a charge

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